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DTC Rulemaking

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following The Depository Trust Company (DTC) filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Chronological List
Third Quarter | Second Quarter | First Quarter

DTC File Number List for 2008

Additional Archives

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Chronological List
Release No. Date Details
Third Quarter

34-58436 Aug. 27, 2008 Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change to Implement a New Service to Allow Issuers to Track and Limit the Number of Beneficial Owners for an Individual CUSIP
Comments due:  September 26, 2008
Comments received are available for this notice.
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-11

34-58407 Aug. 21, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Make Technical Changes to the Collateral Loan System
Comments due:  September 17, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-10

34-58404 Aug. 21, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Eliminate the Ability to Obtain a Physical Certificate from DTC for Issues That are Eligible and Participating in the Direct Registration System
Comments due:  September 23, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-08

34-58345 Aug. 12, 2008 Order Granting Approval of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Admission of Foreign Entities as Direct Depository Participants
See also:  Notice: Rel. No. 34-57392

34-58343 Aug. 12, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change As Amended to Modify End of Day Settlement Procedures Relating to Settlement Acknowledgement Cut-off Time Frames for Settling Banks
Comments due:  September 8, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-06

34-58292 Aug. 1, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Implement Processing Enhancements to the Profile Modification System Used in the Direct Registration System
Comments due:  September 2, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-07

34-58252 Jul. 30, 2008 Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to Establishing a New Money Market Instrument Procedure Disincentive Fee
Comments due:  August 28, 2008
Comments received are available for this notice.
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-05

34-58165 Jul. 15, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Establish a Fee Relating to DTC's Settlement Procedures for the Maturity of Money Market Instruments with Unknown Rates
Comments due:  August 12, 2008
Comments received are available for this notice.
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-03

34-58157 Jul. 15, 2008 Order Approving a Proposed Rule Change Relating to Harmonizing Fines with the National Securities Clearing Corporation and the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation
See also:  Notice: Rel. No. 34-57665

34-58122 Jul. 9, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Amend the Applicant Disqualification Criteria Contained in its Rules
Comments due:  August 6, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2007-07
Second Quarter

34-58055 Jun. 27, 2007 Order Granting Approval of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to DTC Opening an Omnibus Account at Euroclear Bank
See also:  Notice: Rel. No. 34-56706

34-58042 Jun. 26, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule to Establish an Alternate Choice in DTC Profile Surety Providers
Comments due:  21 days after publication in the Federal Register

34-58044 Jun. 26, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Deposits Service Guide
Comments due:  July 23, 2008

34-57959 Jun. 12, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change of Amended Proposed Rule Change Amending FAST and DRS Limited Participant Requirements for Transfer Agents
Comments due:  July 10, 2008
See also:  Notices: Rel. Nos. 34-57362 and 34-55816
Comments received are available for this notice.
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2006-16

34-57901 Jun. 2, 2008 Order Approving Proposed Rule Changes, as amended, to Provide for the Settlement of Institutional Transactions in Conjunction with Each Other Through a Service Called ID Net
Additional File No.:  SR-NSCC-2007-14
See also:  Notice: Rel. No. 34-57573

34-57768 May 2, 2008 Order Granting Accelerated Approval of an Amended Proposed Rule Change to Implement the New Issue Information Dissemination Service for Municipal Securities
See also:  Notices: Rel. Nos. 34-57513; 34-56552; 34-57647

34-57665 Apr. 15, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Restructure its Rules Relating to Fines and to Harmonize Them with Similar Rules of its Affiliates
Comments due:  May 13, 2008
See also:  Order: Rel. No. 34-58157

34-57647 Apr. 10, 2008 Notice of Filing of Amended Proposed Rule Change to Implement the New Issue Information Dissemination Service for Municipal Securities
Comments due:  May 1, 2008
See also:  Notices: Rel. Nos. 34-57513; 34-56552; Order: Rel. No.34-57768
First Quarter

34-57573 Mar. 27, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Changes, as amended, to Provide for the Settlement of Institutional Transactions in Conjunction with Each Other Through a Service Called ID Net
Additional File No.:  SR-NSCC-2007-14
Comments due:  21 days after publication in the Federal Register
See also:  Order: Rel. No. 34-57901

34-57542 Mar. 20, 2008 Order Approving Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendment No. 1, to Amend its Operational Arrangements as it Applies to Structured Securities
See also: Notices: Rel. Nos.  34-57283, 34-56795

34-57513 Mar. 17, 2008 Notice of Filing of Amended Proposed Rule Change to Implement the New Issue Information Dissemination Service for Municipal Securities
Comments due:  April 8, 2008
See also: Notices: Rel. Nos.  34-57647; 34-56552

34-57406 Feb. 29, 2008 Order Approving Proposed Rule Change to Modify the Hearing Procedures Afforded to Interested Persons for Membership and Harmonize Them with Similar Rules of its Affiliates
See also:  Notice: Rel. No. 34-56863

34-57392 Feb. 27, 2008 Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Admission of Foreign Entities as Direct Depository Participants
Comments due:  March 28, 2008
See also:  Order: Rel. No. 34-58345

34-57366 Feb. 21, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to Deliver Order Input Cutoff Window
Comments due:  March 20, 2008

34-57362 Feb. 20, 2008 Notice of Filing of Amended Proposed Rule Change Amending FAST and DRS Limited Participant Requirements for Transfer Agents
Comments due:  March 20, 2008
See also:  Notices: Rel. Nos. 34-57959 and 34-55816
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2006-16

34-57298A Feb. 8, 2008 Order Granting Approval of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Foreign Currency Payment Option [CORRECTION]
See also:  Order: Rel. No. 34-57298; Notice: Rel. No. 34-56840

34-57298 Feb. 8, 2008 Order Granting Approval of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Foreign Currency Payment Option
See also:  Order: Rel. No. 34-57298A; Notice: Rel. No. 34-56840

34-57283 Feb. 6, 2008 Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 1 to Proposed Rule Change to Amend its Operational Arrangements as it Applies to Structured Securities
Comments due:  March 5, 2008
See also:  Order: Rel. No. 34-57542; Notice: Rel. No. 34-56795
Comments received are available for this notice.

34-57193 Jan. 24, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Revise Fee Schedule
Comments due:  February 20, 2008

File Number List

Release No. Date Details

34-58436 Aug. 27, 2008 Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change to Implement a New Service to Allow Issuers to Track and Limit the Number of Beneficial Owners for an Individual CUSIP
Comments due:  September 26, 2008
Comments received are available for this notice.
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-11

34-58407 Aug. 21, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Make Technical Changes to the Collateral Loan System
Comments due:  September 17, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-10

34-58404 Aug. 21, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Eliminate the Ability to Obtain a Physical Certificate from DTC for Issues That are Eligible and Participating in the Direct Registration System
Comments due:  September 23, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-08

34-58292 Aug. 1, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Implement Processing Enhancements to the Profile Modification System Used in the Direct Registration System
Comments due:  September 2, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-07

34-58343 Aug. 12, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change As Amended to Modify End of Day Settlement Procedures Relating to Settlement Acknowledgement Cut-off Time Frames for Settling Banks
Comments due:  September 8, 2008
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-06

34-58252 Jul. 30, 2008 Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to Establishing a New Money Market Instrument Procedure Disincentive Fee
Comments due:  August 28, 2008
Comments received are available for this notice.
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-05

34-58042 Jun. 26, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule to Establish an Alternate Choice in DTC Profile Surety Providers
Comments due:  21 days after publication in the Federal Register

34-58165 Jul. 15, 2008 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Establish a Fee Relating to DTC's Settlement Procedures for the Maturity of Money Market Instruments with Unknown Rates
Comments due:  August 12, 2008
Comments received are available for this notice.
* Submit comments on SR-DTC-2008-03

34-58044 Jun. 26, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Deposits Service Guide
Comments due:  July 23, 2008

34-57366 Feb. 21, 2008 Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to Deliver Order Input Cutoff Window
Comments due:  March 20, 2008

Modified: 09/12/2008