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Chinese Scientists Address Misconduct

Volume 7, No. 3, June 1999

China joined the parade of nations beginning to address scientific misconduct in February when a national meeting of journal editors and scientific society officers, organized by the China Association for Science and Technology, adopted a code of conduct designed to reduce the incidence of plagiarism, fabrication and other acts of misconduct by Chinese scientists, according to Science.

The seven-part "Moral Convention" suggests "that authors found to have committed plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification of data be warned in writing, followed by a boycott of future articles, notification of their home institution, and public disclosure of their misdeeds," Science reported. A former journal officer said, "There must be no compromise over dishonesty and no cover-up. Taking pity will harm the cause of science."

Some scientists feel adoption of the code of conduct will not be sufficient to root out the problem, according to Science. Others "fear that self-interest may stifle efforts to root out misconduct" unless a broad national policy is developed to address the problem.

This page last was updated on January 13, 2005
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