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Canadians Developing Misconduct Policies

Volume 3, No. 2, March 1995

The Canadian government is requiring its research universities to develop guidelines for handling alleged cases of misconduct before June 30 or they risk losing Canadian research funds, according to the December 9 issue of Science magazine. Increased competition among Canadian researchers for funds prompted three Canadian agencies that fund research to demand that institutions develop policies for handling misconduct allegations, according to Science. Recent high profile misconduct cases in Canada probably also provided the impetus for the requirement.

The requirement is outlined in "Integrity in Research and Scholarship." It has been adopted by three of Canada's agencies that sponsor research: National Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Medical Research Council, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. The document includes a statement of basic principles and responsibilities applying to all researchers and scholars receiving funds from these organizations, as well as a set of procedures for "promoting integrity and for preventing and addressing misconduct in research."

To obtain a copy, contact the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, P.O. Box 1610, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 6G4; (613) 992-0691.

This page last was updated on January 13, 2005
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