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Research Misconduct Receives International Attention

Volume 2, No. 2, March 1994

The Committee on Scientific Dishonesty of the Danish Research Council sponsored an "International Conference on Scientific Dishonesty and Good Scientific Practice" in Copenhagen last November. The conference included invited representatives from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, Germany, Austria and the U.S. Dr. Dorothy Macfarlane, Acting Director of the Division of Research Investigations, represented the Office of Research Integrity.

The purpose of the meeting was to exchange information on how scientific misconduct allegations are handled in the represented countries, to share experiences in dealing with cases, and to foster international cooperation in promoting scientific integrity and investigating misconduct.

The Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty reported its experiences in dealing with scientific misconduct. It had received an unexpectedly large number of allegations in its initial year of operation. Twelve cases were opened, with allegations ranging from authorship disputes to data fabrication and falsification.

Dr. Stephen Lock (former chief editor of the British Medical Journal) discussed the "History and Epidemiology of Scientific Misconduct," and later spoke on the role of the journal editor in preventing misconduct. Dr. Albin Eser (former vice president of the German Research Foundation) reviewed the judicial bases for investigating and sanctioning misconduct. A member of the Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty, Dr. Povl Riis, discussed the scope of scientific dishonesty. His colleague, Dr. Steen Walter, commented on the role of the educator in preventing misconduct. Invited speakers reported on what measures have been taken to deal with scientific misconduct and promote scientific integrity in each country represented. They also described the problems encountered in defining, identifying, and investigating alleged misconduct, and appropriate sanctions for those found to have committed misconduct.

This page last was updated on January 13, 2005
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