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Research Misconduct Office Established in China

Volume 15, No. 1, December 2006

A regulation on research misconduct among Chinese scientists working on state-funded science programs will take effect on January 1, 2007 when the Ministry of Science and Technology opens an office to handle research misconduct cases, according to SciDevNet. (11/10/06)

A national committee composed of national and international experts will also be established to advise the government on the promotion of research integrity.

These actions were taken in response to several high-profile misconduct cases in China earlier this year that prompted Chinese scientists to urge the government to create a formal process for responding to research misconduct allegations.

Among the behaviors defined as research misconduct are submitting false resumes, plagiarism, fabricating or falsifying data, and violating regulations governing clinical trials and laboratory animal protection.

Sanctions imposed on guilty parties include warnings, loss of funding, suspended projects, demotion, loss of job and a ban on applying for funding “between one year and forever.”

Allegations of research misconduct will be sent to the new office and be investigated by a team that is free of conflicts of interest and composed of experts in law, ethics, and the relevant scientific discipline.


This page last was updated on December 6, 2006
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