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Expedition: Mojave 2007

Plan Ahead with Your Team of Teachers and
Scientists from all over the World, during Phase III of Spaceward Bound

landscape photo of Mojave desert

Continuing the series of field expeditions, a team of teachers will be studying side-by-side with NASA scientists who search for life in extreme environments, closely approximating what they expect to find on other planets. Why the Mojave -- an inhospitable, sun-drenched spot in the California Desert? This natural setting presents scientists with opportunities to study environments that are analogous to what explorers will find on the Moon and Mars. Teachers and scientists will perform scientific fieldwork in lunar geology, Mars astrobiology, Mars geology, and issues of temperature and solar inundation and radiation.

Plan ahead to join these teachers during their many adventures, as they experience authentic field research with world-renowned planetary scientists living and working in another Moon/Mars analog research site. The expedition is planned for March 25 through 30 at the California State University Desert Research Station at Zzyzx California.

The ultimate goal of this excursion is to leverage these field expedition experiences into classroom use.

Here are some of the ways you can follow their fieldwork:


 FirstGov  NASA
Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated: April 2007
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe