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Combinatorial Adhesion & Mechanical Properties



NIST, MSEL, and the Polymers Division are dedicated to developing unique facilities and analytical tools for garnering and harvesting knowledge critical to structure-property relationships, with a particular emphasis on advanced manufacturing and nanometrology. Mapping these complex structure-property-processing relationships is an ideal application for combinatorial and high-throughput (C&HT) methods and can facilitate a better understanding of fundamental contributions to material properties (i.e., surface energetics, chemical interactions, entanglements, confinement) critical to nanometrology and manufacturing.
We are developing combinatorial measurement tools for mapping the physical, chemical and molecular level contributions to the engineering properties of materials.


Combinatorial Adhesion & Mechanical Properties Design, develop, and apply a suite of C&HT testing platforms that probe critical materials properties, with an emphasis on interfacial measurements of adhesion and metrologies for thin film mechanics.
Combinatorial Adhesion & Mechanical Properties Our measurement infrastructure will leverage the partnerships with NCMC members to identify relevant material systems and library designs that enable the rapid identification of structure-property relationships critical for adhesive and coating performance.


Innovative Approaches to C&HT Peel Tests
We are developing devices and measurement strategies that meld the peel test construct with combinatorial and high-throughput (C&HT) methods.
Innovative Approaches to C&HT Peel Tests
A. Chiche, et al. Meas. Sci. Technol., submitted.
Axisymmetric Adhesion Tests
We are developing instruments that permit high-throughput (and high value) measurements of adhesion across combinatorial libraries with the si-multaneous ability to visualize debonding mecha-nisms.
Axisymmetric Adhesion Tests  Axisymmetric Adhesion Tests  Axisymmetric Adhesion Tests
A. Forster, et al. Meas. Sci. Technol., submitted
Elastic Moduli of Polymer Films and Coatings
We have established a novel buckling-based metrology to study the mechanical properties of thin films and
Elastic Moduli of Polymer Films and Coatings Elastic Moduli of Polymer Films and Coatings
C.M. Stafford, et al. Nat. Mater., in press

Customers and Impact

Technical Accomplishments
  • Developed / applied statistical treatment in order to define standard uncertainties and gradient step size in C&HT peel tests.
  • Benchmarked MCAT measurements against single lens tests for the work of adhesion between a model system of glass and PDMS
  • Integrated temperature gradient stage into probe tack testing platform for testing of soft adhesives (PSAs)
  • Designed / applied innovative approach to measure the modulus of thin and ultra-thin polymer films
  • Recent Outreach
  • Co-organized conference session at Adhesion Society Meeting
  • Published > 8 publications and made > 14 contributions at national meetings
  • NCMC Focus Project, High Throughput Measurements of Epoxy Adhesion (2 industrial partners)
    National Starch Chemical and Intel

    NIST Contributors

    Christopher M. Stafford
    Aaron M. Forster
    Arnaud Chiche
    Seung-ho Moon
    Martin Y.M. Chiang
    Gale A. Holmes
    Kevin Van Workum
    Wen-Li Wu
    Michael J. Fasolka
    Alamgir Karim
    Eric J. Amis
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    Combinatorial Group
    Polymers Division
    Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory

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