Case Management - Electronic Case Files
(CM/ECF Appellate)

General Information

The United States Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Tenth Circuit has implemented the Federal Judiciary's automated case management and electronic filing system, known as CM/ECF.  As of June 2, 2008, attorneys, parties, and interested parties may receive electronic service of Court papers via Notices of Docket Activity ("NDAs").  As of May 22, 2009, parties and attorneys representing parties may electronically file papers. Registration for these services may be accomplished by registering for CM/ECF Appellate through PACER.  Please see the Clerk's Notice Regarding Electronic Service and Clerk's Notice Regarding Electronic Filing for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Interim ECF Filing Procedures and Guidance


Before registering for an ECF account, please review the System Requirements and our Step-by-Step Guide that contains detailed registration instructions.

Holders of an ECF account and other persons who want to view and print case records online must register for a PACER account.  Note that the ECF account is separate from and in addition to the PACER account.

Help and Training

If you require assistance using PACER, CM/ECF, or registering for an Appellate ECF Filer account, please review the training presentations below by clicking on the relevant link. Alternatively, you may view a transcript of each presentation in PDF format or visit our Frequently Asked Questions.  If you have additional questions, please contact the BAP Clerk's Office at (303) 335-2900.

  • Register for ECF through PACER / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • Introduction to CM/ECF / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • Run a Docket Report using PACER / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • Convert a Document to a .pdf Document / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • File a Notice (Entry) of Appearance / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • File a Miscellaneous Document / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • File a Combined Designation of Record and Statement of Issues / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • File a Motion / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • File a Response to a Motion / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • File a Response to a Court Order / Transcript Document (PDF)
  • File a Brief - Coming Soon!
  • Create hyperlink references with Word Perfect - Coming Soon!
  • Create hyperlink references with Microsoft Word 2002 - Coming Soon!
  • Create an Appendix using the Bankruptcy Court's CM/ECF System - Coming Spring 2009!

  • System Requirements

    To begin e-filing or to receive electronic service you will need the following:

  • A PACER account:  Information and instructions for registering can be found on PACER's website at  A PACER account is required to view docket reports and other documents on the electronic docket, and in some cases in the NDA.

  • An ECF account:  Instructions for registering can be found in our Step-by-Step Guide.  An ECF account is required to electronically file documents and/or receive electronic service, as well as to receive your "one free look" at any document in the NDA.

  • Internet access and an active e-mail account:  Electronic service in the form of Notices of Docket Activity ("NDAs") will be sent to your e-mail account.  Note that CM e-mail may exceed the size allocated for some free e-mail accounts.  Generally, accounts offering at least 100 megabytes are sufficient.

  • A Javascript-enabled web browser:  Suggested browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, and Internet Explorer.

  • PDF Viewing Software:  Adobe Reader or equivalent software is necessary to view PDF documents.  Adobe Acrobat or equivalent software is necessary to generate PDF documents.  Please note that the BAP's Interim ECF Filing Procedures and Guidance state the Court's preference for native PDF documents and/or PDF documents that are text-searchable.

  • Java Version 6:  Visit the Java website, located at  Note the series of questions/links located below the "Free Java Download" button.  If you are not sure whether you have Java, click "Do I have Java?" to run a diagnostic check on your computer.  If you need to download or update Java, simply click the "Free Java Download" button and follow the directions on the subsequent pages.  Java Version 6 free and the program takes only a few minutes to download.