ORNL Neutron Sciences SNS & HFIR Logos

SNS Sample Environment - Multimedia

For images of Sample Environment equipment, view the Equipment page and click the Equipment ID or click the various Equipment Categories.

SENSE Workshiop Participants

SENSE Workshop Participants
Sept. 2003.

Pulse Tube Refrigerator

Pulse Tube Refrigerator
3k to Room Temperature.

Aluminum sample cans. NST design used on the Backscattering Spectrometer.

Aluminum sample cans. NST design used on the Backscattering Spectrometer.

Cryo-Furnace (2k to 600k) with Automated User Controls.

Cryo-Furnace (2k to 600k) with Automated User Controls.

Fast Exchange Refrigerator for Neutron Science (FERNS).

Fast Exchange Refrigerator for Neutron Science (FERNS).
June 2006 Systrem Testing at Containerless Research Inc.

FERNS Quick-Seal Sample Can.

FERNS Quick-Seal Sample Can.

Tubo Cubes - Our workhorse pumping system.

Tubo Cubes - Our workhorse pumping system.

High Flying Cryofurnace made simple

High Flying Cryofurnace Made Simple


  Information Contact : Lakeisha Walker - walkerl@sns.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science