CEDR Bibliographic Database

SPIRES-CEDRBFS: FIND RECORD 566 CEDR Bibliographic Number: 566

BFSID: 566


Wing, S., Shy, C. M., Wood, J. L., Wolf, S., Cragle, D. L., Tankersley, W., Frome, E. L.

Main Journal Entry:

Article Title: Job factors, radiation and cancer mortality at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: follow-up through 1984
Journal Date: Feb. 1993
Journal Name: American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Journal Volume: 23:265-279

Additional Parts of this Document:

Article Title: Erratum
Journal Date: 1993
Journal Name: American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Journal Volume: 23(4):673

Relevant Data File Sets: orx10a02
Relevant Data File Sets: orx10a04

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Date Added: 11/08/1999