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SSA History

History of SSA 1993 - 2000




AC                -        Appeals Council

ACCESS      -        Accessible Computer Configured Employee Support System

ACPI            -        Appeals Council Process Improvement

ADA             -        Americans with Disabilities Act

ADR             -        Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADRA          -        Administrative Dispute Resolution Act

AEE              -        Agency Environmental Executive

AEP              -        Affirmative Employment Program

AFGE           -        American Federation of Government Employees

AIAN           -        American Indian Alaska Native Advisory Council

ALJ               -        Administrative Law Judge

ALP              -        Advanced Leadership Program

APP              -        Annual Performance Plan 

ASP              -        Agency Strategic Plan

ASPE            -        Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation


BAAC          -        Black Affairs Advisory Council


CBO             -        Congressional Budget Office

CDI              -        Cooperative Disability Investigations

CDPs            -        Career Development Programs

CDR             -        Continuing Disability Review

CFO             -        Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990

CLF              -        Civilian Labor Force

COLA          -        Cost of Living Adjustment

CR                -        Claims Representative

CWHS          -        Continuous Work History Sample 


DA&A          -        Drug Addiction & Alcoholism

DCM            -        Disability Claim Manager

DDS             -        Disability Determination Services

DHEW          -        Department of Health, Education and Welfare

DHHS           -        Department of Health and Human Services

DI                 -        Disability Insurance

DM               -        District Manager

DO               -        District Office

DOC             -        Data Operations Center

DPRT           -        Disability Process Redesign Team

DRC             -        Delayed Retirement Credits

DRI               -        Disability Research Institute


ECHO          -        Every Contact Has Opportunity

EEO              -        Equal Employment Opportunity

EFT              -        Electronic Funds Transfer

EHS              -        Environmental Health and Safety

EITA             -        Enterprise-wide Information Technology Architecture

EWD            -        Employees with Disabilities


FMCS          -        Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 

FO                -        Field Office

FR                -        Field Representative

FRSC           -        Federal Records Service Corporation

FSA              -        Federal Security Agency

FSP              -        Foreign Service Programs       

FTE              -        Full-time Equivalent


GAO             -        General Accounting Office

GBP              -        General Business Plan

GMRA          -        Government Management Reform Act of 1994

GPRA           -        Government Performance and Results Act

GSA             -        General Services Administration


HAAC          -        Hispanic Affairs Advisory Council 

HCFA           -        Health Care Financing Administration

HEW            -        Health, Education and Welfare

HHS             -        Health and Human Services

HIA              -        High Impact Agencies

HIPAA         -        Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

HPI               -        Hearings Process Improvement

HR                -        Human Resources

HRS              -        Health and Retirement Study


IBB               -        Interest-Based Bargaining

ICT               -        Immediate Claim Taking

IFA               -        Individualized Functional Assessment

IG                 -        Inspector General

INS               -        Immigration and Naturalization Service

IPMOU        -        Incentive Payment Memorandum of Understanding

IRS               -        Internal Revenue Service

IT                  -        Information Technology

IVT               -        Interactive Video Teletraining

IWS/LAN     -        Intelligent Workstation/Local Area Network


LAPR           -        Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence

LDP              -        Leadership Development Program

LEP              -        Limited English Proficient


MBR             -        Master Beneficiary Record

MEF             -        Master Earnings File

MINT           -        Modeling Income in the Near Term

MMP            -        Market Measurement Plan


NACED        -        National Advisory Council for Employees with Disabilities 

NAPA          -        National Academy of Public Administration

NASI            -        National Academy of Social Insurance

NBDS           -        New Beneficiary Data System

NBS             -        New Beneficiary Follow-up

NES              -        Non-English Speaking

NLSMW      -        National Longitudinal Survey of Mature Women

NPC             -        National Partnership Council 

NPR             -        National Performance Review

NRA             -        Normal Retirement Age

NSHA          -        National Study on Health and Activity


OASDI         -        Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance

OASI            -        Old Age and Survivors Insurance

Oact              -        Office of the Actuary

OCIG           -        Office of the Counsel to the Inspector General

OCOMM     -        Office of Communications

OCSE           -        Office of Child Support Enforcement

OCSI            -        Office of Customer Service Integration

ODIAP         -        Office of Disability and Income Assistance Policy

ODISP          -        Office of Disability and Income Security Programs

OEO             -        Office of Earnings Operations

OFAM          -        Office of Finance, Assessment and Management

OFM            -        Office of Facilities Management

OGC             -        Office of General Counsel

OHA             -        Office of Hearings and Appeals

OHR             -        Office of Human Resources

OIG              -        Office of the Inspector General

OLCA          -        Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs  

OMB            -        Office of Management and Budget

OO               -        Office of Operations

OP                -        Office of Policy

OPEA           -        Office of Policy and External Affairs

OPM            -        Office of Personnel Management

OQA            -        Office of Quality Assurance and Performance Assessment

ORES           -        Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics

ORP             -        Office of Retirement Policy

ORS             -        Office of Research and Statistics

OS                -        Office of Systems

OSM            -        Office of Strategic Management

OT                -        Office of Training

OWA            -        Office of Workforce Analysis


PAAAC        -        Pacific Asian American Advisory Council 

PAS              -        Public Affairs Specialist

PASS            -        Plan for Achieving Self-Support

PET              -        Partnership Evaluation Team 

POA             -        Program for Objective Achievement

PBS              -        Planning and Budgeting System

PEBES          -        Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement

PMI              -        Presidential Management Intern

PRUCOL      -        Permanent Resident under Color of Law 

PRWORA    -        Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996

PSC              -        Program Service Center

PUMS          -        Public Understanding Measurement System

PWD            -        Persons with Disabilities


QA               -        Quality Assurance


RET              -        Retirement Earnings Test

RRC             -        Retirement Research Consortium

RRE              -        Request for Review


SES              -        Senior Executive Service

SMI              -        Supplementary Medical Insurance

SR                -        Service Representative

SSA              -        Social Security Administration

SSB              -        Social Security Board

SSDI             -        Social Security Disability Insurance

SSI               -        Supplemental Security Income

SSN              -        Social Security Number

SSR              -        Supplemental Security Record  

SVB              -        Special Veterans Benefits


TLC              -        Talking and Listening to Customers

TSC              -        Teleservice Center

TSR              -        Teleservice Representative

TWWIIA      -        Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvements Act of 1999


UPS              -        Unified Planning System


WAAC         -        Women’s Affairs Advisory Committee 

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