GLOBE Teacher Training Workshop - Sinegorye, Kazakhstan

21 September 2004

Stars PhotoGLOBE Kazakhstan, the U.S. Peace Corps, ExxonMobil, and the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan were pleased to host a GLOBE teacher training workshop in the Almatinskii National Park outside of Almaty, Kazakhstan. The workshop was held from July 18 -22, and differed from many workshop formats in that the organizing committee was successful in raising funds to fully support the costs of the workshop including travel, room and board, and an intermediate GLOBE kit for all teachers. In addition, U.S. Peace Corps volunteers were paired with one or two teachers from their villages. This was designed to maximize the success of GLOBE in villages where resources are limited and internet connection is sporadic. The team approach also brings the different strengths of the volunteers and the teachers together. The teachers especially enjoyed the hands-on aspects of the workshop. Several already have well-developed watershed studies programs that they feel will tie in nicely with GLOBE.

The workshop was held in a narrow canyon in the foothills of the Tien Shan mountains. The Tien Shan mountains are some of the tallest in the world (The Chinese word means "Celestial Mountains" because they are so tall!) The highest point is Peak Pobeda at 7,439 m (24,406 feet).

A Kazakh farmer tending to his herd of sheep, goats, and horses. In Kazakhstan, horse milk, cheese and meat are common dishes.

Kazakhstan Regional GLOBE Director, Eric Stonebraker, presenting Ardak Akanov of the Kazakh ExxonMobil company with a certificate of appreciation for their continued support of the GLOBE Program. Also pictured are Kevin Winiarz (L) and Brad Parrish (R), two of the Peace Corps Volunteer organizing committee members.

Golden Delicious Fact: Almaty, or formerly Alma Ata -means "Father of the Apple" in Kazakh. Apples are native to this region.

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