In the Matter of Dura Lube Corporation, American Direct Marketing, Inc., Howe Laboratories, Inc., Crescent Manufacturing, Inc., National Communications Corporation, The Media Group, Inc., corporations, and Herman S. Howard, individually and as an officer of the corporations, and Scott Howard, individually and as an officer of the corporations.

Docket No. 9292

December 23, 1999

  • Order On Requests For In Camera Treatment [PDF]

December 15, 1999

  • Order On Respondents' Motion To Compel Testimony And Production Of Documents [PDF]

December 8, 1999

  • Order On Respondents' Motion To Exclude Witnesses [PDF]

October 22, 1999

  • Order Granting In Part And Denying In Part Complaint Counsel's Motion In Limine [PDF]

August 31, 1999

  • Order On Complaint Counsel's Motion To Strike And Motion For Leave To File A Reply [PDF]

July 21, 1999

  • Order Granting Extionsion Of Time [PDF]

June 11, 1999

  • Order On Motion To Consolidate [PDF]

June 10,1999

  • Pretrial Scheduling Order [PDF]
  • Protective Order Governing Confidential Material [PDF]

May 27, 1999

  • Order On Prehearing Conference [PDF]

May 19, 1999

  • Order Reassigning Above Captioned Matter [PDF]

May 3, 1999

  • Order Designating Administrative Law Judge [PDF]

Last Modified: Thursday, 05-Jul-2007 00:00:00 EDT