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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Major Site and Facilities Contract Management Plans

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (EERE)

Environmental Management (EM)

Battelle Columbus Contract

Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride (DUF6) Project

Fernald Environmental Management Project (EM)
(Now called the Fernald Closure Project)

Hanford Site Mission Support (EM)

Hanford Environmental Restoration (EM)

Idaho Cleanup Project (EM)

Oak Ridge Environmental Management (EM)

Oak Ridge Protective Services (EM)

Miamisburg Closure Project (EM)

Miamisburg Mound Environmental Closure Project (EM)

Moab Mill Tailings Remediation – Infrastructure Development (EM)

Mound Environmental Closure Project (EM)

Paducah Environmental Remediation (EM)

Portsmouth Paducah Infrastructure (EM)

Project Hanford (EM)

Remediation of OU-1 @ Mound (EM)

River Corridor Closure Project (EM)

River Protection Project Tank Farm Operations (EM)

Savannah River Site (EM)

Ultra Deep-Water Procurement (EM)

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (EM)

Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (EM)

West Valley Demonstration Project (EM)

WIPP Transportation of Waste (EM)

Fossil Energy (FE)

Strategic Petroleum Reserve (FE)

National Nuclear Security Administration (NA)

Kansas City Plant

Sandia National Laboratory


Pantex Plant

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Nevada Test Site

Nuclear Energy (NE)

Idaho National Laboratory (NE)

Science (SC)

Ames National Laboratory (SC)

Argonne National Laboratory (SC)

Brookhaven National Laboratory (SC)

Fermi National Accelerator Center (SC)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (SC)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (SC)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (SC)

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (SC)

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SC)

Thomas Jefferson Nat'l Accelerator Facility (SC)

Civilian Radioactive Waste Program (Yucca Mtn) (RW)

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