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Diversified Access to EAP Services

Opening the Door:


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Georgia T. Karuntzos

Table of Contents

Opening the Door

Statement of Need

Learning Objectives

Research Study Objective

Study Background (1)

Study Background (2)

Research Study Design

Process Evaluation

Core EAP Services

Gaps in Core Services

Enhanced EAP Services (1)

Enhanced EAP Services (2)

Enhanced EAP Services (3)

Enhanced EAP Services (4)

Enhanced EAP Services (5)

Enhanced EAP Services (6)

Enhanced EAP Services (7)

Enhanced EAP Services (8)

Enhanced EAP Services (9)

Implementation Issues (1)

Implementation Issues (2)

Implementation Issues (3)



Cost of Enhanced EAP Services

Cost Categories

Cost Approach

Annual Costs for Standard EAP Services

Development Costs for the .Enhanced Services Intervention

Incremental Annual Cost per .Eligible Employee for Enhanced Services

Incremental Annual Cost per .Eligible Employee for Enhanced Services under

Total Annual Costs (Standard plus Enhanced Services) per Eligible Employee

The Impact of EAP Use on Health Care Spending

Contribution of the Analysis

Methods—Data (1)

Methods—Data (2)

. Methods — Models, .Specification Searching, and Testing

The Mean Natural Logarithm of Alcohol, .Drug, or Mental Health Charges Plus $1

Sample Characteristics

Effect of EAP Use on Odds of .Receiving ADM Care: EAP-Only Sample

Percentage Change in Health Care Claims Attributable to EAP Use: EAP-Only Sample

Effect of EAP Use on Odds of Receiving ADM Care: EAP and Non-EAP Sample

% Change in Health Care Claims Attributable to .EAP Use: EAP and Non-EAP Sample

Discussion (1)

Discussion (2)
