Welcome to the State of California
Governor Schwarzenegger

Decisions Pending and Opportunities for Public Participation

1001 I Street
P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA

Public Service Links
Voter Education and Election Information: Secretary of State
Facing Foreclosure? Learn about 90 days of hope at YourHome.ca.gov or SuCasa.ca.gov Amber Alert logo.

Topics of Interest


Green Chemistry Green Chemistry
A fundamentally new approach to environmental protection, transitioning away from managing toxic chemicals at the end of the lifecycle, to reducing or eliminating their use altogether.


Climate Action Team Information Climate Action Team
On June 1, 2005, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued an executive order establishing greenhouse gas emission targets for California. To achieve these goals, the Climate Action Team will develop and implement emission reduction programs.


Enforcement Information Enforcement
The goals of California's environmental laws cannot be achieved without compliance. To this end, Cal/EPA uses many tools including education, inspection and enforcement.


Goods Movement Action Plan Goods Movement Action Plan
Cal/EPA and the Business, Transportation & Housing Agency have partnered to address important issues regarding the movement of goods into California and the environmental impacts.


Pile of household batteries. Universal Waste information. Universal Waste
Starting February 9, 2006, California households and small businesses are required to keep batteries, fluorescent lights and other "universal waste" out of the trash. Visit the "Zero Waste" Web site to learn how to properly dispose of these products.


Governor with Hummer Hydrogen Highway Initiative
The goal of the California Hydrogen Highway Initiative is to develop the infrastructure for a hydrogen transportation economy, reducing California’s dependence on foreign oil and improving air quality.

Last updated:  July 23, 2008
California Environmental Protection Agency, http://www.calepa.ca.gov/About/
General Public Contact, cepacomm@calepa.ca.gov (916) 323-2514