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Policy & Guidelines

Many laws, reports and guidelines have been produced to encourage pedestrian and bicycle safety in your communities. Check out the legislation that has be enacted, existing reports and guidelines. Learn more about what your state is doing to ensure your safety.


  • 23 CFR Part 652
  • §217: 23 U.S.C. - Bicycle Transportation and Pedestrian Walkways - [HTML, PDF 31KB]
  • TEA-21 Fact Sheet - Bicycle Transportation and Pedestrian Walkways - [HTML, PDF 36KB] - The Bicycle Transportation and Pedestrian Walkways provisions of Section 217 of Title 23, as amended by TEA-21, describe how Federal-aid funds may be used for bicycle and pedestrian projects. These projects are broadly eligible for all of the major funding programs where they compete with other transportation projects for available funding at the State and MPO levels.
  • Bicycle & Pedestrian Technical Summary - [HTML, PDF 52KB] - TEA-21 continues the integration of bicycling and walking into the transportation mainstream. More importantly, it enhances the ability of communities to invest in projects that can improve the safety and practicality of bicycling and walking for everyday travel.


  • Detectable Warnings: Rule Making - The Access Board
  • Transmittal of Guidance Memo on Bicycle and Pedestrian Provisions of the Federal-aid Program - Ken Wykle - [HTML, PDF 34KB]
  • FHWA Guidance (1999) - [HTML, PDF 266KB] - The new legislation updates Titles 23 and 49 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) and builds on the significant changes made to Federal transportation policy and programs by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). The legislation has numerous provisions that relate to improving conditions for bicycling and walking and increasing the safety of the two modes.
  • Design Guidance - [HTML, PDF 99KB] - incorporates three key principles: a) a policy statement that bicycling and walking facilities will be incorporated into all transportation projects unless exceptional circumstances exist; b) an approach to achieving this policy that has already worked in State and local agencies; and c) a series of action items that a public agency, professional association, or advocacy group can take to achieve the overriding goal of improving conditions for bicycling and walking.
  • Supplementary Design Guide for Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects
  • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2003
  • FHWA/FTA Interim Technical Guidance for Bike/Ped Planning at the State and MPO Levels - [HTML, PDF 35KB] - covers planning for bicycle transportation facilities and pedestrian walkways regardless of facility type ranging from on-road treatments to separate off-road facilities.

Other Resources

  • National Strategies for Advancing Child Pedestrian Safety - NHTSA - [HTML, PDF 272KB] - National Strategies for Advancing Child Pedestrian Safety offers ideas for encouraging children to explore their environments by walking while reducing their risk of pedestrian injury.
  • National Strategies for Advancing Bicycle Safety - NHTSA - The National Strategies for Advancing Bicycle Safety is a national safety agenda designed to make bicycling safer for everyone. The agenda is the work of more than 75 participants who shaped the goals and strategies during a conference held in Washington, D.C. in July 2000. The National Strategies for Advancing Bicycle Safety defines goals, strategies, and initial actions that can be taken to reduce bicycle related deaths and injuries nationwide.

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