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Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety

Policy and Guidelines | Hispanic Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety | Ongoing Research | Order Copies of Brochures, CDs and Other Resources | FHWA Course on Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation (for Planners & Designers) | Related Links | Contact Information

Pedestrian Safety

Although walking is a legitimate mode of transportation, it needs to be improved in every community in the United States. It is no longer acceptable that close to 5,000 pedestrians are killed in traffic every year, that people with disabilities cannot travel without encountering barriers, and that a desirable and efficient mode of travel has been made difficult and uncomfortable. This site is designed to make it easier for the pedestrian safety practitioner and advocate to locate and acquire the most appropriate resources to meet their particular planning, design, and operation needs for pedestrian facilities.

Bicycle Safety

The need for safe, convenient, and attractive facilities to encourage safe bicycling is essiential. This site is designed to make it easier for the bicycle safety practitioner and advocate to locate and acquire the most appropriate resources to meet their particular planning, designing, and operating needs for bicycle facilities.


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