
A Look Inside…

Investing for Social Equity

Strategic Investments in CDVC Funds

Financing a Small Business: Ryla Teleservices

KHIC: An Experienced Fund Sponsor

Small Business Investment Companies

Rural Business Investment Companies: Designed to Promote Small Rural Enterprises

NMVC: Helping Equity Flow into Distressed Communities

Wells Fargo: Investing with a Passion

CDVC Due Diligence Checklist

More about CDVC

This Just In…OCC’s Districts Report on New Investment Opportunities for Banks


Investment Resources for Part 24 Authority

Part 24 Resources on the Web

Common Part 24 Questions

CD Investment Precedent Letters

Investments in National/Regional Funds

Fourth Quarter 2006
Part 24 Investments

Regulation and CD-1 Form

horizontal rule
OCC's Community Affairs Department

(202) 874-5556


Articles by non-OCC authors represent their own views and are not necessarily the views of the OCC.



Want to learn more about CD venture capital?

Two associations have been generated that can provide you with further information:

Small Business Investment Alliance

Incorporated in August of 2001, Small Business Investment Alliance, Inc. (SBIA) is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the expansion of knowledge and the examination of issues affecting financial institutions and their professionals that are investing in small and emerging businesses in the United States. It was formed by several financial institutions in response to the growing demand for risk capital by intermediaries working with small and emerging businesses particularly those in underserved markets. For more information about the Small Business Investment Alliance, please visit: or contact Rosalyn Ciulla at (216) 689-4472; or Fred Mendez at (415) 512-4236;

Community Development Venture Capital Alliance

The Community Development Venture Capital Alliance (CDVCA) is the network for the rapidly growing field of community development venture capital (CDVC) investing. CDVC funds provide equity capital to businesses in underinvested markets, seeking market-rate financial returns, as well as the creation of good jobs, wealth, and entrepreneurial capacity. CDVCA was formed in 1993 and incorporated as a not-for-profit in 1995. CDVCA promotes use of venture capital tools to create jobs, entrepreneurial capacity, and wealth to advance the livelihoods of low-income people and the economies of distressed communities.  For more information about the Community Development Venture Capital Alliance, please visit: or contact Kerwin Tesdell at (212) 594-6747.