Appendix A. Healthy People 2010 Consultative Process


Healthy People Consortium expanded to include all State mental health, substance abuse, and environmental agencies to encourage their participation in the development of the objectives and their use of the objectives at State and local levels.

September 12-13, 1996

CDC/NCHS convenes APHA, ASTHO, and NACCHO with States in the CDC Assessment Initiative to examine the data successes and challenges with Healthy People 2000.  States participating include Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Oregon, Minnesota, Missouri, and South Carolina.

October 1996 to February 1997 

Healthy People Consortium member focus groups review Healthy People 2000 evaluating what has been useful and should be preserved and what should be recast.

November 15, 1996   

Healthy People Consortium Meeting in New York, New York, Building the Prevention Agenda for 2010: Lessons Learned.  Keynote speaker Dr. Ilona Kickbusch, Director of the Division of Health Promotion, Education, and Communication of the World Health Organization, delivers keynote address.

1997 and ongoing:

Agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services begin to lead Healthy People Work Groups to develop draft objectives for public review and comment.  

April 21, 1997

Secretary’s Council on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention holds a public meeting on the Healthy People 2010 objectives. The Council reviews lessons learned from Healthy People 2000, addresses the need to improve data collection, and discusses the proposed framework for Healthy People 2010, which incorporates two overarching goals: increase years of healthy life and eliminate health disparities.

May 14, 1997

Measuring Performance Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead, a Federal interagency conference, is held to examine issues in performance measurement under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) focused on the linkage between Healthy People and annual GPRA measures.

July 1997

Release of Stakeholder’s Report, announcing the results of the Consortium focus group process, on

July 1997

Partnership for Prevention, a Healthy People Consortium member, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, establishes the Healthy People Business Advisory Council to increase the involvement of the business community in Healthy People 2010 development.

September 15, 1997, to December 15, 1997

Developing Objectives for Healthy People 2010 is released in printed and electronic form on the Internet for a 90-day public comment period on the goals, objectives, and framework of Healthy People.

November 7, 1997

Healthy People Consortium Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, Reducing Health Disparities: How Far Have We Come?  Keynote speakers representing minority population groups address disparities in health.

December 17, 1997

Nearly 800 comments are received on the Healthy People 2010 framework and are available to the public on the Internet at

February 19-20, 1998

Symposium on National Strategies for Renewing Health for All at the Pan American Health Organization engages 24 countries from the Western Hemisphere in using health targets.  Healthy People represents the United States contribution to “World Health for All” strategy.

March 6, 1998

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Working Group on Sentinel Objectives releases the Leading Health Indicators for Healthy People 2010 report, which describes the potential uses for and provides examples of possible approaches to sentinel objectives.

April 30, 1998    

Annual Secretary’s Council public meeting takes place.  The Council endorses the goal of eliminating health disparities and affirms that one target should be set for all population groups. The Council discusses the proposed draft objectives for 2010 and approves the development of leading health indicators, a set of selected objectives chosen to capture the state of the Nation's health.

April to October 1998

Getting Started for 2010, a series of five audio conferences, features national and State successes and challenges in using health objectives.  All 50 States participate.

August 1998

Institute of Medicine (IOM) releases its Preliminary Report on the Leading Health Indicators.

September 15, 1998, to December 15, 1998

Healthy People 2010: Draft for Public Comment, containing the draft of 531 objectives proposed in 26 focus areas, is released for public comment.  Comments accepted via the Internet, by mail, and at regional meetings.

September 17-18, 1998

CDC/NCHS holds a workshop on measuring years of healthy life, resulting in a report called Identifying Summary Measures for Healthy People 2010.

October 5-6, 1998

Two hundred and sixty-eight people attend the Regional Healthy People Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to provide input on developing Healthy People 2010 objectives.

October 21-22, 1998

Two hundred and thirty-six people attend the Regional Healthy People Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, to provide input on developing Healthy People 2010 objectives.

November 5-6, 1998

Four hundred and fifty-six people attend the Regional Healthy People Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, to provide input on developing Healthy People 2010 objectives.

November 13, 1998   

Four hundred and sixty-nine people attend the Public Hearing and Healthy People Consortium Meeting, Building the Next Generation of Healthy People, in Washington, D.C.,with speakers Dr. Julius Richmond and Dr. David Satcher.

December 2-3, 1998  

Three hundred and nineteen people attend the Regional Healthy People Meeting in Seattle, Washington, to provide input on developing Healthy People 2010 objectives.

December 9-10, 1998

Three hundred and fifty-four people attend the Regional Healthy People Meeting in Sacramento, California, to provide input on developing Healthy People 2010 objectives.

December 17, 1998

More than 11,000 public comments on the draft Healthy People 2010 objectives are received from people in every State, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.  Comments can be viewed at

January 1999   

IOM produces the report Leading Health Indicators for Healthy People 2010: Second Interim Report.  The report summarizes the efforts of the IOM Committee on Leading Health Indicators for Healthy People 2010 to develop sample sets of leading health indicators.

January 25, 1999

The Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium Conference Planning Committee, comprising representatives from the Healthy People Consortium, Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Steering Committee, academia, State and local government, and private organizations, identifies plenary speakers, develops the program, and sets criteria for sessions for the conference.

April 1999

IOM produces the report Leading Health Indicators for Healthy People 2010: Final Report, detailing IOM’s development of three sets of leading health indicators.

April 23, 1999

Annual Secretary’s Council public meeting takes place.  The Council reviews the IOM’s report on leading health indicators and endorses the general form of the emerging set of Leading Health Indicators, discusses and helps refine the proposed draft objectives for 2010, and approves plans for launching Healthy People 2010 in January 2000.

June 1999 and ongoing

State and local Healthy People 2010 plans are developed.

June 1999

Focus groups on Leading Health Indicators are conducted.

September 1999

Healthy People 2010 Toolkit: A Field Guide to Health Planning is released as a resource for State and local planning.  The Toolkit includes national and State examples of engaging partners, setting objectives, and sustaining the initiatives. Healthy People 2010 Toolkit is available on the Internet at

January 25, 2000

Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General David Satcher releases Healthy People 2010 (Conference Edition) at the Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium conference in Washington, D.C.

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