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January 2001 - June 2001
News & Updates About Near-Earth Objects Is
Also Available From Our Mailing List
Chaos Clues To Dino Demise (BBC News - June 27, 2001)
USF Graduate Student Confirms Asteroid Impact Site In Panama (University Of South Florida - June 18, 2001)
Instruments Aboard CONTOUR Spacecraft Will Provide First Surface 'Fingerprint' Of Comet Nucleus (Cornell University - June 12, 2001)
Scientists Study Virginia Land For Clues On Chesapeake Bay Crater (Newport News Daily Press - June 11, 2001)
Early Results From The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Sloan Digital Sky Survey - June 5, 2001)
UCLA Astronomers Identify Evidence of Asteroid Belt Around Nearby Star (UCLA - June 4, 2001)
Asteroid Busting: We Have the Technology ( - May 31, 2001)
Why Doesn't Eros Have A Magnetic Field? (SpaceFlight Now - May 31, 2001)
Near-Earth Asteroid Is Two Chunks In One (JPL - May 30, 2001)
Asteroid Flyby Not Too Close (Albuquerque Journal - May 26, 2001)
NASA Gives Green Light For Deep Impact Mission Development (NASA - May 24, 2001)
NASA Gives Go-Ahead To Build Deep Impact Spacecraft (JPL - May 24, 2001)
Subaru Telescope Discovers Small Objects in Outer Solar System (National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan - May 23, 2001)
Los Alamos Researchers Detect Two Huge Meteors (Los Alamos National Laboratory - May 22, 2001)
Comet LINEAR (C/2001 A2) Splits Further (ESO - May 18, 2001)
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Even For A Comet (JPL - May 17, 2001)
In Coming Apart, Comet LINEAR Exposes Its Deepest Secrets (NASA - May 17, 2001)
International Conference On Asteroids, Comets, Meteors (Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration - May 2001)
New Radio Telescope Observes Venus And Asteroid 2001 EC16 (National Radio Astronomy Observatory - May 10, 2001)
Collapse Of Simple Life Forms Linked To Mass Extinctions 200 Million Years Ago (University Of Washington - May 10, 2001)
Workshop On The Physical Properties Of Potential Earth Impactors (Ettore Majorana Center - May 2001)
Comet Cracks Under Pressure After Rapid Brightening ( - May 3, 2001)
As Cool As The Cosmos (The Guardian - May 3, 2001)
Heavens On Earth In Hagersville (The Hamilton Spectator - April 26, 2001)
The Mysterious Case of Crater Giordano Bruno (NASA Science News - April 26, 2001)
Space Shuttles Examined for Debris Impacts (Orbital Debris Quaterly News - April 2001)
Meteorite Crashes Near Mourning Jordanian Village (AFP - April 24, 2001)
Mystery Boom Rocks Eastern Australia (The Courier Mail - April 20, 2001)
NEAR Team Studies Small Scale Features on Eros (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - April 20, 2001)
Fireball Over Western Australia Stuns Sky Watchers (Australia Associated Press - April 20, 2001)
Asteroid Eros: Most Detailed Analysis of Up-Close Images ( - April 19, 2001)
What Medieval Witnesses Saw In 1178 Was Not Big Lunar Impact (University Of Arizona - April 18, 2001)
Deep Crater Lake In Canada Is Star Attraction Of Park Project (Montreal Gazetta - April 17, 2001)
Doom's Day News Protocal Wanted (Associated Press - April 15, 2001)
NASA To Track More Asteroids With New NEAT Camera (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - April 12, 2001)
Neptune Attacks! (New Scientist - April 7, 2001)
Meteorite 'Seeds' Clue To Origins Of Life On Earth (The Daily Telegraph - April 5, 2001)
Cosmologist Revives Old Debate About Moon To Explain Movement Of Dust Into Craters Of Asteroid Eros (Cornell University - April 4, 2001)
Towson University Professor Discovers Asteroid Companion (The Towerlight - April 2, 2001)
Tagish Lake Meteorite Dates Back To Origins Of The Solar System (The Ottawa Citizen - April 2, 2001)
Bright Meteor Seen Over New Hampshire (Register Citizen - March 29, 2001)
Brilliant Light Plunging Into Pacific May Have Been Meteor (Los Angeles Times - March 27, 2001)
Future Missions May Have A Major Impact (ESA - March 23, 2001)
Comet McNaught-Hartley Provides A Wealth Of New X-Ray Data (ESA - March 21, 2001)
Hubble Finds New Asteroid Moon (SpaceDaily - March 21, 2001)
Deep Space 1 Loads Up For Trek To Comet (JPL - March 20, 2001)
Eyewitness Moon Impact Debunked, Tagish Lake: Mystery Meteorite (Sky & Telescope - March 16, 2001)
Scientists Return to Ancient Impact Crater at Chesapeake Bay (USGS - March 15, 2001)
A Nutty Effect on Eros ( - March 15, 2001)
St Patrick's Day Gift to Armagh (Armagh Observatory - March 12, 2001)
First Announcement: Ceres 2001 Workshop (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - March 9, 2001)
Cosmic Smack Encourages Life To Go Forth and Multiply ( - March 8, 2001)
32nd Lunar And Planetary Science Conference Story Opportunities (Johnson Space Center - March 6, 2001)
La Silla Telescope Views Comet Hale-Bopp at 2 Billion Kilometers (ESO - March 6, 2001)
Is Eros An Ancient Planetesimal Leftover From Sol's Birth (SpaceDaily - March 5, 2001)
Gamma-Ray Readings from Eros (NEAR Project - March 1, 2001)
Near-Earth 'Asteroid' Surprises Astronomers ( - March 1, 2001)
No Meteorite In Yorkshire (BBC News - March 1, 2001)
Sylvia's Companion - Another Moon Found Orbiting An Asteroid ( - March 1, 2001)
Meteorite Fall In Yorkshire, England? (Ananova - March 1, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker Phones Home for the Last Time (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - February 28, 2001)
NEAR Farewell: NASA To Drop Link With Trailblazing Spacecraft Today ( - February 28, 2001)
New Analysis Of Meteorite Shows Key Ingredients For Life On Earth May Have Been Delivered By Comets (Scripps Institution of Oceanography - February 27, 2001)
Gamma-Rays from an Asteroid (NASA Science News - February 27, 2001)
A Conversation With Bobby Williams, NEAR Navigation Chief (JPL - February 26, 2001)
Naked-Eye Comet Possible for Christmas 2001 ( - February 26, 2001)
British Government Responds To NEO Task Force Report (Spaceflight Now - February 26, 2001)
The Comet/Asteroid Impact Hazard: A Systems Approach (Southwest Research Institute/John Hopkins University - February 24, 2001)
NEAR Mission Extended Through February (NEAR Project - February 23, 2001)
SOHO Analyses A Kamikaze Comet (ESA - February 23, 2001)
Asteroid Or Comet Triggered Largest Mass Extinction 250 Million Years Ago (NASA/University Of Washington - February 22, 2001)
Sonic Boom Shakes England's East Coast (The Mirror - February 22, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker Science Update (NEAR Project - February 20, 2001)
NEAR Collects Data From Asteroid's Surface ( - February 19, 2001)
NEAR Data Expected From Eros Surface ( - February 16, 2001)
Traveling to the Dawn of the Solar System ( - February 16, 2001)
Flaming Meteor Observed Over Northern Ireland (The Mirror - February 15, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker Ready to Gather Data on Surface of Eros (NEAR Project - February 14, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker's Historic Landing on Eros Exceeds Science, Engineering
Asteroid Mission Not Yet 'NEAR' An End (NASA - February 14, 2001)
NASA To Host 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Johnson Space Center - February 13, 2001)
NEAR Not To Be Relaunched From Eros (NEAR Project - February 13, 2001)
NEAR Mission Could Be Extended ( - February 13, 2001)
JPL Navigators Guide NEAR To Historic Landing On Asteroid Eros (JPL - February 13, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker Still Talking from Surface of Eros (NEAR Project - February 13, 2001)
NEAR Is There (NEAR Project - February 12, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker Becomes First Spacecraft To Land On An Asteroid (NEAR Project - February 12, 2001)
Controlled Descent By NEAR Underway (NEAR Project - February 12, 2001)
Meteorites Harder to Trace Than Family Trees (San Francisco Chronicle - February 12, 2001)
Landsat 4 Image Of Meteor Crater (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - February 9, 2001)
Schedule Of Events For NEAR Touchdown On Eros (NASA/John Hopkins University - February 7, 2001)
UA Science Team Readies For NEAR Landing (University Of Arizona - Febuary 7, 2001)
Cornell Researchers Turn To Telemetry And Geometry To Capture Distant Asteroid (Cornell University - February 5, 2001)
Cornell Imaging Team Hopes Close-Up Picture From Eros Landing Will Solve Puzzle Of Never-Before-Seen Surface Features (Cornell University - February 5, 2001)
Comet Collisions: Only The Strong Survived? (JPL - January 31, 2001)
NEAR Mission Completes Main Task, Now Will Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before (NASA/John Hopkins University - January 31, 2001)
Young Japanese Reseachers Prepare to Launch Satellites to Observe Leonids (The Daily Yomiuri - January 30, 2001)
Prehistoric Meteorite Punched Hole In Earth's Crust (The Dallas Morning News - January 29, 2001)
Nose-To-Nose With An Asteroid (NEAR Project - January 28, 2001)
Fireball Explodes Over Canada (Calgary Herald - January 26, 2001)
Briefings And Live Feed Set For First Asteroid Touchdown (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - January 25, 2001)
Living On The Ends (NEAR Project - January 24, 2001)
Night Sky Show Over Alaska Likely A Meteor (Anchorage Daily News - January 24, 2001)
Japanese Team Finds 3,554 Meteorites (Associated Press - January 23, 2001)
University Of Hawaii Scientist May Help Lead Asteroid Mission (Star Bulletin - January 22, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker Scratches Below the Surface (NEAR Project - January 22, 2001)
2000 Gene Shoemaker NEO Grant Recipients Selected (The Planetary Society - January 2001)
UA Astronomer Is Scientist For Proposed 'Dawn' Discovery Mission (University Of Arizona - January 19, 2001)
Ancient Crater Is A Window On Past (Desert News - January 18, 2001)
Leonids Rose To The Occasion -- Despite Bad Weather (European Space Agency - January 17, 2001)
Fireball Observed Over Nebraska, Colorado ( - January 12, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker Primed for Final Weeks in Orbit (Applied Physics Laboratory - January 10, 2001)
Sizzling Skies (New Scientist - January 6, 2001)
Meteors Come In With A Bang (Nature Science Update - January 5, 2001)
NASA Considers Discovery Mission Proposals (NASA - January 4, 2001)
Millennium Asteroid Greets New Year (JPL - January 3, 2001)
Huge Asteroids Could Hit Earth At Any Time, Says Expert (Ananova - January 3, 2001)
NEAR Shoemaker To Land On Eros On February 12 ( - January 2, 2001)

Near Earth Objects News Archives - July 2000 - December 2000
Near Earth Objects News Archives - January 2000 - June 2000
Near Earth Objects News Archives - September 1999 - December 1999
Near Earth Objects News Archives - April 1999 - August 1999
Near Earth Objects News Archives - November 1998 - March 1999

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