Neutron Sciences Internal
Monday, September 15, 2008   


Neutron Sciences Staff Awards

Mentor Awards - Outstanding mentors and teachers honored at ORNL (2/2008)

ORNL, DOE, and Oak Ridge Associated Universities recently recognized outstanding ORNL staff for mentoring students and teachers in laboratory education programs and throughout the community. The awards were presented recently at ORNL in a joint ceremony by ORNL's Minority Educational Institution Program and ORAU. See the full News Release...

Six NScD staff received awards for their efforts as outstanding mentors in 2007:

Al Ekkebus
NSSD: Al Ekkebus
Jamie Fernandez-Baca
NSSD: Jamie Fernandez-Baca
Chrissi Schnell
NSSD: Chrissi Schnell
Lakeisha Walker
NSSD: Lakeisha Walker
Bob Martin, Mason, John Haines
NSSD: Bob Martin, Mason, John Haines, Jaime Fernandez-Baca, Al Ekkebus, Greg Smith, Chrissi Schnell, and Lakeisha Walker
Jeff Holmes
RAD: Jeff Holmes
RAD: Willem Blokland



Danilov Receives EPS Accelerator Group Prize (2/2008)

Slava Danilov
Slava Danilov

Research Accelerator Division physicist Slava Danilov recently received a European Physical Society Accelerator Group 2008 Achievement Prize. Slava was recognized "for numerous contributions to accelerator physics, in particular for the proposal, calculation, design, construction, and demonstration of efficient laser H- stripping." As Slava puts it: "Laser stripping is conversion of H- atoms to protons using lasers during injection into SNS ring. The present conversion scheme uses carbon foils, which produces the highest radiation at SNS. The carbon foils will start to break down at SNS megawatt intensities–one of the most severe problems for SNS power upgrade projects. The new technology with lasers (if developed) will eliminate old technology drawbacks."

One of three prizes awarded biennally by the society, this award is for an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent, significant, original contribution to the accelerator field. The award will be presented at the 2008 European Particle Accelerator Conference in Genoa, Italy.

Slava received his PhD in Physics from the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russa, in 1995. He joined the SNS Project in 1998 and is part of the Accelerator Physics Group. His research interests include self-consistent distributions of intense beam, collective effects, nonlinear dynamics and integrable systems, and quantum physics of beams.

Huq cited by Mount Holyoke College (1/2008)

Ashfia Huq
Ashfia Huq receives the Mary Lyon Award

The Neutron Scattering Science Division's Ashfia Huq was recently awarded the Mary Lyon Award by the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College. The award, named after the college's 1837 founder, Mary Lyon, is presented to an outstanding young alumna who has been out of college 15 years or less.

Ashfia is an instrument scientist with POWGEN3, a third-generation powder diffractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source. Her area of expertise is high-resolution neutron and X-ray powder diffraction of condensed matter systems. Her scientific interests include hydrogen storage materials, catalysis, magnetic and structural properties of strongly correlated electron systems and ab initio structure solutions from powder data.

Chakoumakos elected MSA Fellow (12/2007)

Bryan Chakoumakos
Bryan Chakoumakos

Neutron scientist Bryan Chakoumakos was recently elected a fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America. A member of the Neutron Scattering Science Division, Bryan leads the Single-Crystal Diffraction Group. The group has five neutron scattering instruments in various stages of design and construction, located at HFIR and SNS.

The MSA was founded in 1919 and, among other goals, encourages fundamental research on natural materials and supports education through its publications, educational grants, and courses.


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