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SPIRES-CEDRBFS: FIND RECORD 590 CEDR Bibliographic Number: 590

BFSID: 590


Checkoway, Harvey (Univ. of Washington and Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC))


Pearce, Neil (Univ. of Washington and Wellington Clinical School of Medicine, New Zealand)


Crawford-Brown, Douglas J. (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC))


Cragle, Donna L. (Center for Epidemiologic Research (CER), Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU))

Main Journal Entry:

Article Title: Radiation doses and cause-specific mortality among workers at a nuclear materials fabrication plant
Journal Date: 1988
Journal Name: American Journal of Epidemiology
Journal Volume: 127(2):255-266

Additional Parts of this Document:

Article Title: Comment
Journal Date: 1989
Journal Name: American Journal of Epidemiology
Journal Volume: 129:639-640

Relevant Data File Sets: ory12a01

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Date Added: 11/08/1999