Harvard University's Materials Research Science and Engineering Center    



  National Science Foundation   Materials Research Society   MRSEC.org

The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) is the focus of Harvard's long tradition of interdisciplinary materials research. The Harvard MRSEC is funded by the National Science Foundation, and identifies new research areas to train and retain students in materials science and engineering.
  Upcoming Events
Squishy Physics Seminars
Harvard University | Wed. evenings at 5:30 p.m.


Double Bubble ...

Chemical and Engineering News reports on a recent paper in Science (2005, 308, 537): "A new microfluidics-based device made by physicist David A. Weitz and colleagues at Harvard University, and Unilever Corp. makes precisely controlled double emulsions in a single step (Science 2005, 308, 537). Double emulsions—droplets inside droplets—could be useful for encapsulating products such as drugs, cosmetics, or food additives." See the complete details. MSNBC has created a related story that features a video of the bubbles in action. Read the story and watch the movie. Researcher Darren Link says there's a poetry to the physics behind the technique, "I think it's art," he says.

 Research Highlights
Colloidal Crystals
Colloidal Crystals

A remarkable way to visually study materials properties.

Nano Laser Surgery
Nano Laser Surgery

Femtosecond lasers can now be used to perform surgery on living cells.

Microfluidic Assembly of Colloidal Armor
Microfluidic Assembly of Colloidal Armor

New methods for encapsulation.

Surface Tension Rockets
Surface Tension Rockets

Learning from nature about propulsion.
Last Modified December 31, 2008.  Graphics by Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Group.   Website by Carole Hoppe Mezian.
MRSEC involved people getting together in different formats.