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September 16, 2008 Edition
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HOT Releases for Tuesday, September 16 *
8:30am -- Consumer Price Index [CPI.PDF] Filetype: PDF from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (. . .)
8:30am -- Real Earnings [REAL.PDF] Filetype: PDF from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (. . .)
2:15pm -- FOMC Statement [FOMC20080916.TXT] Filetype: Text from the Federal Open Market Committee (. . .)
*Note: All times are Eastern Time, and approximate; every effort is made to make files available as soon after release as possible.

HOT Releases at a Weekly Glance

Schedule of Release Dates for Principal Federal Economic Indicators: 2008  
Daily Releases *
9:30am -- State and Local Government Bond Rates [CURRENT.SLG] Filetype: Text from the Department of the Treasury (. . .)
10:00am -- New! Clean Renewable Energy Bonds Rates [CREBS.TXT] Filetype: Text from the Department of the Treasury (. . .)
10:30am -- Foreign Exchange Rates 10am Midpoints [TENFX.FRB] Filetype: Text from the Federal Reserve Board, New York (. . .)
11:00am -- Commercial Paper [CP.FRB] Filetype: Text from the Federal Reserve Board (. . .)
12:30pm -- Foreign Exchange Rates Noon Buying Rates [NOONFX.FRB] Filetype: Text from the Federal Reserve Board, New York (. . .)
4:00pm -- Daily Treasury Statement [CURRENT.DTS] Filetype: Text and [DTS_CURRENT.PDF] Filetype: PDF from the Department of the Treasury (. . .)
4:30pm -- Foreign Exchange Rates [EXCDAILY.FRB] Filetype: Text from the Federal Reserve Board (. . .)
4:30pm -- Selected Interest Rates [INTDAILY.FRB] Filetype: Text from the Federal Reserve Board (. . .)
5:00pm -- Treasury Yield Curve Rate (Current Month) [YCCURREN.TRE] Filetype: Text and [YCCURREN.PDF] Filetype: PDF and [RRCURREN.PDF] Filetype: PDF (. . .)

*Note: All times are Eastern Time, and approximate; every effort is made to make files available as soon after release as possible.

Today's most recently-added SOTN files
09/15/2008 Daily Treasury Statement Released 09/12/08 (Covering 09/11/08) (Pdf Version)
09/15/2008 Daily Treasury Statement - Current Release (Pdf Version)
09/15/2008 Daily Treasury Statement Released 09/12/08 (Covering 09/11/08)
09/15/2008 Daily Treasury Statement - Current Release
09/15/2008 Treasury Yield Curve Data For Sep 2008
09/15/2008 Treasury Yield Curve Data For Current Month
09/15/2008 Daily Treasury Market Real Bid Yields At Constant Maturities For Sep 2008
09/15/2008 Treasury Yield Curve Data For Sep 2008
09/15/2008 Daily Treasury Market Real Bid Yields At Constant Maturities
09/15/2008 Treasury Yield Curve Data For Current Month (In Pdf Format)
09/15/2008 Frb Daily Foreign Exchange Rates (H.10)
09/15/2008 [Top50] Frb Selected Interest Rates - Weekly (H.15) (Pdf Format)
09/15/2008 [Top50] Frb Selected Interest Rates - Weekly (H.15)
09/15/2008 26-Week T-Bill Auction Results (Pdf Format)
09/15/2008 13-Week T-Bill Auction Results (Pdf Format)
09/15/2008 Noon Est Foreign Exchange Rates (Worksheet)
09/15/2008 Noon Est Foreign Exchange Rates (Text Format)
09/15/2008 Foreign Exchange Rates At 10Am Est (Worksheet)
09/15/2008 Foreign Exchange Rates At 10Am Est (Text Format)
09/15/2008 Treasury State & Local Govt. Bond Rates - Current Release

Economic News

9/11/2008: Statement of FRB Member Donald L. Kohn, speaking on 'Comments on “Financial Regulation in a System Context,” “Beyond Leveraged Losses: The Balance Sheet Effects of the Home Price Downturn,” and “The Central Role of House Prices in the Financial Crisis: How Will the Market Clear?”', at the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2008

9/09/2008: Remarks by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, speaking on "Remarks on Historically Black Colleges and Universities" at the 2008 National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week Conference, Washington, D.C. on September 9, 2008

9/01/2008: Statement of FRB Member Randall S. Kroszner, speaking on "The United States in the International Financial System: A Separate Reality? Resolving Two Puzzles in the International Accounts" at the Central Bank of Argentina 2008 Money and Banking Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina on September 1, 2008

8/13/2008: Quarterly Travel and Tourism Estimates will not be discontinued as previously stated. The next update will be released on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 8:30 am. EDT.

Visit the Economic News Archive.

Current Versions of America's Top 50 Releases

General Economic Indicators

What is this? Composite Index of Leading, Coincident and Lagging Indicators Filetype: PDF
What is this? Consumer Price Index Filetype: PDF
What is this? Economic Indicators Summary (Text format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? Gross Domestic Product (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Gross State Product (PDF format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? Personal Income and Outlays (Text format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? Producer Price Index Filetype: PDF
What is this? Productivity and Cost Filetype: PDF
What is this? Real Earnings Filetype: PDF
What is this? U.S. Agricultural Export Sales (Self_extracting format or ZIP format)
What is this? U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes Filetype: PDF
What is this? U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (Text format or PDF format)
Need more detailed trade numbers? Read more about our USA Trade Online service

Housing and Construction

What is this? Census Construction Review Filetype: Self_extracting
What is this? Housing Vacancies Filetype: PDF
What is this? New Construction (PDF format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? New Residential Construction (Building Permits, Housing Starts, and Housing Completions) (PDF format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? New Residential Sales (PDF format or Spreadsheet format) (formerly New Home Sales)


What is this? Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment Filetype: PDF
What is this? Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Filetype: PDF
What is this? Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report Filetype: Text

Manufacturing and Industry

What is this? Advanced Retail Sales (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Auto and Truck Sales and Production Filetype: Spreadsheet
What is this? Advance Report on Durable Goods, Shipments and Orders Filetype: PDF (complete report). ( Table 1 & Table 2 also available separately Filetype: Spreadsheet )
What is this? Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Manufacturing and Trade, Inventories and Sales (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Quarterly Financial Report - Manufacturing (PDF format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? Quarterly Financial Report - Retail (PDF format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? Report on Business (Purchasing Manager's Index) Filetype: Word
What is this? Report on Business (Non-Manufacturing Sectors) Filetype: Word
What is this? Retail E-Commerce Sales Filetype: PDF
What is this? Shipments, Inventories and Orders (PDF format or Spreadsheet format)
What is this? Wholesale Trade Sales and Inventories (PDF format or Spreadsheet format)

Monetary Statistics

What is this? Aggregate Reserves (H.3) (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Bank Credit (H.8) (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Historical Bank Credit (Self_extracting format or ZIP format)
What is this? Consumer Credit Report (G.19) (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Factors Affecting Reserves (H.4.1) (Text format or Text format)
What is this? Money Stock (H.6) (Text format or PDF format)
What is this? Historical Money Stock Data (Self_extracting format or ZIP format)
What is this? Monthly Foreign Exchange Rates Filetype: Text
What is this? Selected Interest Rates (H.15) (Text format or PDF format)

Economic Policy

What is this? Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions (Beige Book)
What is this? Federal Open Market Committee Meeting Minutes
What is this? Public statements by the FRB Chair, board members, and other officers
What is this? Monthly Treasury Statement Filetype: Text

The State of the Nation Library

The State of the Nation Library contains over 4,000 files, including all SOTN files found on this page.
Interested in older versions of the files? What is this? Click here to visit the State of the Nation Archive.

What is this? Entire SOTN Library
What is this? Summaries and Testimonies
What is this? NIPA Information
What is this? Economic Indicators
What is this? Employment Statistics
What is this? Price & Productivity
What is this? Industry Statistics (incl CIRs)
What is this? Fiscal & Monetary Policy
What is this? Government Bond Rates
What is this? Treasury Statistics
What is this? Treasury Auction Results
What is this? Survey of Current Business
What is this? Foreign Trade
What is this? Statistical Abstract
What is this? County Data
What is this? State Data
What is this? Energy Data
What is this? Travel and Tourism
What is this? Miscellaneous Files

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