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Want more? The SOTN Archive has older releases of the AGSALES, EXPCTY, EXPDE, FOR-TRD, GULF, IMPCTY, IMPDE, INT-INV and INTER files.

File DateCan be sorted descendingFile NameCan be sorted ascendingTitleCan be sorted ascending
09/11/2008expsales.exe[TOP50] U.S. Agricultural Export Sales (Self-extracting file) [Filesize: 78Kb] Filetype: Self_extracting [: FTD]
09/11/2008expsales.zip[TOP50] U.S. Agricultural Export Sales (zip file) [Filesize: 27Kb] Filetype: ZIP [: FTD]
09/11/2008for-trd.cen[TOP50] U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services formerly Merchandise Trade (full release in text format) [Filesize: 259Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008for-trd.pdf[TOP50] U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services formerly Merchandise Trade (full release in pf format) [Filesize: 357Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008for-trd.xlsU.S. International Trade in Goods and Services formerly Merchandise Trade (Tables from news release) [Filesize: 532Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008trade.exeU.S. International Trade in Goods and Services formerly Merchandise Trade (complete release) (compressed self-extracting version of FOR-TRD.CEN) [Filesize: 69Kb] Filetype: Self_extracting [: FTD]
08/12/2008ftrd-sup.cenFT900 supplemental tables, monthly supplement to merchandise trade release [Filesize: 152Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ft900txt.zipFT900: U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Full Report (text format) [Filesize: 119Kb] Filetype: ZIP [: FTD]
09/11/2008ft900xls.zipFT900: U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Full Report (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 324Kb] Filetype: ZIP [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftdpress.docFT900: U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Report Text (word format) [Filesize: 100Kb] Filetype: Word [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftdpress.pdfFT900: U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Report Text (pdf format) [Filesize: 80Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftdpress.txtFT900: U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Report Text (text format) [Filesize: 10Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexplain.pdfFT900: Information on Goods and Services (pdf format) [Filesize: 46Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexplain.txtFT900: Information on Goods and Services (text format) [Filesize: 24Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexplain.docFT900: Information on Goods and Services (Word format) [Filesize: 62Kb] Filetype: Word [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh1.pdfFT900: Exhibit 1 - U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (pdf format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh1.txtFT900: Exhibit 1 - U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (text format) [Filesize: 11Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh1.xlsFT900: Exhibit 1 - U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh2.pdfFT900: Exhibit 2 - U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services Three-Month Moving Averages (pdf format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh2.txtFT900: Exhibit 2 - U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services Three-Month Moving Averages (text format) [Filesize: 10Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh2.xlsFT900: Exhibit 2 - U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services Three-Month Moving Averages (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh3.pdfFT900: Exhibit 3 - U.S. Services by Major Category - Exports (pdf format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh3.txtFT900: Exhibit 3 - U.S. Services by Major Category - Exports (text format) [Filesize: 7Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh3.xlsFT900: Exhibit 3 - U.S. Services by Major Category - Exports (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh4.pdfFT900: Exhibit 4 - U.S. Services by Major Category - Imports (pdf format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh4.txtFT900: Exhibit 4 - U.S. Services by Major Category - Imports (text format) [Filesize: 7Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh4.xlsFT900: Exhibit 4 - U.S. Services by Major Category - Imports (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh5.pdfFT900: Exhibit 5 - U.S. Trade in Goods (pdf format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh5.txtFT900: Exhibit 5 - U.S. Trade in Goods (text format) [Filesize: 10Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh5.xlsFT900: Exhibit 5 - U.S. Trade in Goods (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6.pdfFT900: Exhibit 6 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (pdf format) [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6.txtFT900: Exhibit 6 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (text format) [Filesize: 8Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6.xlsFT900: Exhibit 6 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh7.pdfFT900: Exhibit 7 - Exports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity (pdf format) [Filesize: 23Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh7.txtFT900: Exhibit 7 - Exports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity (text format) [Filesize: 21Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh7.xlsFT900: Exhibit 7 - Exports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 30Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh8.pdfFT900: Exhibit 8 - Imports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity (pdf format) [Filesize: 21Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh8.txtFT900: Exhibit 8 - Imports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity (text format) [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh8.xlsFT900: Exhibit 8 - Imports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 30Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh9.pdfFT900: Exhibit 9 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods, Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Category Totals (pdf format) [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh9.txtFT900: Exhibit 9 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods, Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Category Totals (text format) [Filesize: 8Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh9.xlsFT900: Exhibit 9 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods, Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Category Totals (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh10.pdfFT900: Exhibit 10 - Real Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (2000 Chain-weighted dollars) (pdf format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh10.txtFT900: Exhibit 10 - Real Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (2000 Chain-weighted dollars) (text format) [Filesize: 8Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh10.xlsFT900: Exhibit 10 - Real Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (2000 Chain-weighted dollars) (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh11.pdfFT900: Exhibit 11 - Real Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods, Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Commodity Category Totals (2000 Chain-weighted dollars) (pdf format) [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh11.txtFT900: Exhibit 11 - Real Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods, Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Commodity Category Totals (2000 Chain-weighted dollars) (text format) [Filesize: 12Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh11.xlsFT900: Exhibit 11 - Real Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods, Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Commodity Category Totals (2000 Chain-weighted dollars) (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh12.pdfFT900: Exhibit 12 - U.S. Trade in Goods (pdf format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh12.txtFT900: Exhibit 12 - U.S. Trade in Goods (text format) [Filesize: 9Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh12.xlsFT900: Exhibit 12 - U.S. Trade in Goods (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh13.pdfFT900: Exhibit 13 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (pdf format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh13.txtFT900: Exhibit 13 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (text format) [Filesize: 8Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh13.xlsFT900: Exhibit 13 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh14.pdfFT900: Exhibit 14 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas - Current Year (pdf format) [Filesize: 21Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh14.txtFT900: Exhibit 14 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas - Current Year (text format) [Filesize: 14Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh14.xlsFT900: Exhibit 14 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas - Current Year (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 27Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh14a.pdfFT900: Exhibit 14A - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas - Prior Year (pdf format) [Filesize: 21Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh14a.txtFT900: Exhibit 14A - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas - Prior Year (text format) [Filesize: 14Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh14a.xlsFT900: Exhibit 14A - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas - Prior Year (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 26Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh15.pdfFT900: Exhibit 15 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal SITC Commodities (pdf format) [Filesize: 23Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh15.txtFT900: Exhibit 15 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal SITC Commodities (text format) [Filesize: 15Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh15.xlsFT900: Exhibit 15 - Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal SITC Commodities (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 30Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh16.pdfFT900: Exhibit 16 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products (pdf format) [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh16.txtFT900: Exhibit 16 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products (text format) [Filesize: 4Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh16.xlsFT900: Exhibit 16 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh16a.pdfFT900: Exhibit 16A - Exports, Imports and Balance of Advanced Technology Products by Technology Group and Selected Countries and Areas (pdf format) [Filesize: 21Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh16a.txtFT900: Exhibit 16A - Exports, Imports and Balance of Advanced Technology Products by Technology Group and Selected Countries and Areas (text format) [Filesize: 14Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh16a.xlsFT900: Exhibit 16A - Exports, Imports and Balance of Advanced Technology Products by Technology Group and Selected Countries and Areas (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 20Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh17.pdfFT900: Exhibit 17 - Imports of Energy-Related Petroleum Products, Including Crude Oil (pdf format) [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh17.txtFT900: Exhibit 17 - Imports of Energy-Related Petroleum Products, Including Crude Oil (text format) [Filesize: 4Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh17.xlsFT900: Exhibit 17 - Imports of Energy-Related Petroleum Products, Including Crude Oil (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh18.pdfFT900: Exhibit 18 - Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries (pdf format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh18.txtFT900: Exhibit 18 - Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries (text format) [Filesize: 10Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh18.xlsFT900: Exhibit 18 - Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh1s.pdfFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 1 - Exports, Imports and Balance of Goods by Selected NAICS-Based Product Code (pdf format) [Filesize: 19Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh1s.txtFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 1 - Exports, Imports and Balance of Goods by Selected NAICS-Based Product Code (text format) [Filesize: 8Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh1s.xlsFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 1 - Exports, Imports and Balance of Goods by Selected NAICS-Based Product Code (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 25Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh2s.pdfFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 2 - Origin of Movement of U.S. Exports of Goods by State by NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings (pdf format) [Filesize: 17Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh2s.txtFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 2 - Origin of Movement of U.S. Exports of Goods by State by NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings (text format) [Filesize: 14Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh2s.xlsFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 2 - Origin of Movement of U.S. Exports of Goods by State by NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 29Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh3s.pdfFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 3 - General Imports of Crude Oil by Country (pdf format) [Filesize: 16Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh3s.txtFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 3 - General Imports of Crude Oil by Country (text format) [Filesize: 10Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh3s.xlsFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 3 - General Imports of Crude Oil by Country (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 24Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh4s.pdfFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 4 - Exports and Imports of Goods by SITC Commodity Sections (pdf format) [Filesize: 18Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh4s.txtFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 4 - Exports and Imports of Goods by SITC Commodity Sections (text format) [Filesize: 5Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh4s.xlsFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 4 - Exports and Imports of Goods by SITC Commodity Sections (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 23Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh5s.pdfFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 5 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods (pdf format) [Filesize: 14Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh5s.txtFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 5 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods (text format) [Filesize: 9Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh5s.xlsFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 5 - Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 22Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6s.pdfFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 6 - Exports, Imports and Trade Balance by Country and Area: Current Year (pdf format) [Filesize: 38Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6s.txtFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 6 - Exports, Imports and Trade Balance by Country and Area: Current Year (text format) [Filesize: 51Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6s.xlsFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 6 - Exports, Imports and Trade Balance by Country and Area: Current Year (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 66Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6as.pdfFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 6A - Exports, Imports and Trade Balance by Country and Area: Prior Year (pdf format) [Filesize: 37Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6as.txtFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 6A - Exports, Imports and Trade Balance by Country and Area: Prior Year (text format) [Filesize: 51Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
09/11/2008ftexh6as.xlsFT900 Supplement: Exhibit 6A - Exports, Imports and Trade Balance by Country and Area: Prior Year (spreadsheet format) [Filesize: 67Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
06/17/2008inter.beaU.S. International Transactions Summary, Press Release (Table 1 and 2 - in text format) [Filesize: 42Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]
06/17/2008inter.pdfU.S. International Transactions Summary, Press Release (pdf format) [Filesize: 70Kb] Filetype: PDF [: FTD]
06/17/2008inter.xlsU.S. International Transactions Summary, Press Release (xls format) [Filesize: 300Kb] Filetype: Spreadsheet [: FTD]
09/13/2004mtrade.beaU.S. Goods Trade Adjusted to Balance of Payments Quarterly Data (Table 2) [Filesize: 50Kb] Filetype: Text [: FTD]

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