TreeUtah, Planting Trees Growing Communities

News & Events

Now Hiring 2009 AmeriCorp Positions!

Ecological Restoration Assistant
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EcoGarden Steward
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Now Accepting Spring 2009 Planting Applications

TreeUtah is a statewide 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to tree planting and education. Through these actions we hope to inspire and empower our communities to become active, knowledgeable stewards of our natural environment.

Since 1990, TreeUtah has planted over 300,000 trees throughout the State of Utah. We seek to educate the public about the environmental and social benefits that healthy tree communities provide.

Trees renew our air supply by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. The amount of oxygen produced by one acre of trees equals the amount consumed by 18 people annually. Trees lower air temperatures by releasing water vapor through their leaves and shade trees can make buildings up to 20 degrees cooler. Trees also improve water quality by slowing and filtering rain water, as well as protecting aquifers. These are just a few of the benefits that healthy tree communities provide us.

We need your help to maintain and increase our community forests. Your membership in TreeUtah will help us to continue to plant, care for and protect your community forests.


Calling all volunteers! We need your help to make our programs a success and to keep Utah "growing" green. Due to the seasonal basis of Utah's climate, we have volunteer opportunities nearly year-round. Please visit our calendar page to check out our volunteer opportunities.

Donations For Us

Strapped for time, but still want to act on your green intentions? Make a secure, on-line donation through our Tree Bank and support TreeUtah's efforts to keeping Utah green!

Secure Online Donations
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For more information please call our
office at (801) 364-2122

Urgent Needs

We are always in need of In-Kind donations please check out our wishlist and urgent needs page to see how you can help.