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New Data Services Titles for May 2008

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23 Titles Match Your Query
Showing 1 through 23 of 23
1. Davinci - A Tool for 3-D Data Set Manipulations With Intelligence for Analyzing Imaging Spectroscopy Data [USGS_Davinci]
Davinci is a tool for 3-D data set manipulations, with intelligence for analyzing imaging spectroscopy data. It can also be used to write scripts, providing a programmable interface to all ...

2. Flood Frequency Analysis Based on Bulletin 17B [USGS_PeakFQ]
Program PeakFQ provides estimates of instantaneous annual-maximum peak flows for a range of recurrence intervals, including 1.5, 2, 2.33, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 years (annual-Exceedance ...

3. Particle-size statistics of fluvial sediments [USGS_SEDSIZE]
SEDSIZE computes Inman, Trask, and Folk statistical parameters based on phi values and sizes determined for the percent-finer values of 5, 16, 25, 35, 50, 65, 75, 84, 90, and 95 from up to ...

4. PicWorks Image Display Software [USGS_PicWorks]
PicWorks is a scientific raster imaging tool designed to allow quick visualization of raster images. It has been specifically designed for use with image cubes with Vicar headers, but has ...

5. SPECtrum Processing Routines [USGS_SPECPR]
Specpr is an Interactive One Dimensional Array Processing System, with the tools needed for reflectance spectroscopy analysis. It also has tools to do a lot of other tasks and analyses of x,y ...

6. Slick Package - Stress Inversion from Slip Data [USGS_SLICK_PACKAGE]
The slick package uses fault slip data (either field observations or from focal mechanism) to find the stress tensor that best explains the observations. Inputs are the orientation and slip ...

7. A computerized method of base-flow-record estimation [USGS_PART]
The computer program PART: A computerized method of base-flow-record estimation uses stream flow partitioning to estimate a daily record of ground-water discharge under the stream flow record. ...

8. A two-constituent solute transport model for ground water having variable density [USGS_MOCDENSE]
The two-constituent solute transport model for ground water having variable density model simulates solute transport in flowing ground water. It is applicable to two-dimensional, cross-sectional ...

9. Chemical Modeling of Acid Waters [USGS_WATEQ4F]
WATEQ4F is a chemical speciation code for natural waters. It uses field measurements of temperature, pH, Eh, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity, and the chemical analysis of a water sample as ...

10. Conduit Flow Process for MODFLOW-2005 [USGS_CFP]
The conduit flow process for MODFLOW-2005 (CFP) has the ability to simulate turbulent or laminar ground-water flow conditions by: (1) coupling the traditional ground-water flow equation with ...

11. Coupled Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model [USGS_GSFLOW]
GSFLOW is a coupled Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model based on the integration of the U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS, Leavesley and others, 1983) ...

12. Determination of Primary Productivity and Community Metabolism in Streams and Lakes using Diel Oxygen Measurements [USGS_SWPROD]
The SWPROD program calculates daytime net productivity, night respiration, and total community metabolism from a diel series of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and salinity measurements. ...

13. Dissolved Oxygen Saturation Tables [USGS_DOTABLES]
Dissolved oxygen saturation tables can be utilized on-line to generate tables of dissolved oxygen (DO) saturation values and (or) salinity correction factors over ranges of temperature, pressure, ...

14. Two-dimensional method-of-characteristics ground-water flow and transport model [USGS_MOC]
The Two-dimensional method-of-characteristics ground-water flow and transport model model simulates solute transport in flowing ground water. It is applicable to one- or two-dimensional problems ...

15. An Interactive Code For Modeling Net Geochemical Reactions Along a Flow Path [USGS_NETPATH]
NETPATH is an interactive Fortran 77 computer program used to interpret net geochemical mass-balance reactions between an initial and final water along a hydrologic flow path. Alternatively, ...

16. Branched Lagrangian Transport Model [USGS_BLTM]
The Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM) has received wide use within the U.S. Geological Survey over the past 10 years. This report documents the enhancements and modifications that ...

17. Full EQuations Model [USGS_FEQ]
The Full EQuations Model is a computer model for simulation of one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channels and through control structures. The structure of the program is designed to follow ...

18. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) [USGS_LIMS]
LIMS for Light Stable Isotopes is a Microsoft Access database program for managing samples, analyses, reports, and other data in a stable isotope (and tritium, carbon-14, and chlorofluorocarbon) ...

19. The Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability Application Programming Interface [USGS_JUPITER_API]
This report describes the capabilities and use of the JUPITER API--the Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability Application Programming Interface. This API provides ...

The USGS Spectral Slider interactive tool developed by scientists at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) assists to visualize how the bands, or channels, of different satellite ...

21. WRS - Lat-Long Converter [USGS_TOOLS_LATLONG]
The USGS Lat-Long Converter converts from the Worldwide Reference System (WRS) Path/Row to Latitude/Longitude or from Lat/Long to Path/Row.

22. Global Wildlife Disease News Map [NBII_WILDLIFEDISEASE]
The Global Wildlife Disease News Map is an online map makes it possible, for the first time, to track disease outbreaks around the world that threaten the health of wildlife, domestic animals, ...

23. MODIS Land Products Subsets [MODIS_Land_Subsets]
The goal of the MODIS Land Product Subsets project is to provide summaries of selected MODIS Land Products for the community to use for validation of models and remote-sensing products and ...

Showing 1 through 23 of 23
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