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Declassified Satellite Imagery - 1 (1996)

Table of Contents


President Clinton signed an Executive Order on 24 February 1995, directing the declassification of intelligence imagery acquired by the first generation of United States photo-reconnaissance satellites, including the systems code-named CORONA, ARGON and LANYARD. More than 860,000 images of the Earth's surface, collected between 1960 and 1972, were declassified with the issuance of this Executive Order.

The images were used to produce maps and charts for the Department of Defense and other Federal Government mapping programs. A speech made on 24 February 1995 by Admiral William O. Studeman, Acting Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), recounts some of the important achievements of the historical satellite imagery reconnaissance programs. The Honorable John Deutch, Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), spoke on the revolution in intelligence brought on by the CORONA program at a CORONA symposium on 23 May 1995.

Nearly all of the imagery from these systems was collected using black and white film. There is a very limited amount of infrared film and high definition color aerial film that was tested as part of the KH-4B missions and yielded poor spatial resolution performance. The original film is being preserved by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and is stored at the National Archives at College Park, MD.

The intelligence community used the designators KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A, and KH-4B for the CORONA systems. The ARGON systems were designated KH-5 and the LANYARD systems KH-6. These KH (Keyhole) designators are used throughout this guide to describe system characteristics and accomplishments. Mission numbers were a principal means for indexing the reconnaissance imagery and associated collateral data. The correlation of mission numbers to KH designators for missions that acquired film is given in the following table:

| KH         | System  | Successful| Period of  | Amount of  | No. of     |
| Designator |         |  Mission  | Operations | Film       | Primary    |
|            |         |  Numbers  |            | (ft.)      | Camera     |
|            |         |           |            |            | Frames     |
| KH-1       | CORONA  | 9009      | June 1959  | 3,548      | 1,432      |
|            |         |           | -          |            |            |
|            |         |           | September  |            |            |
|            |         |           | 1960       |            |            |
| KH-2       | CORONA  | 9013,     | October    | 17,949     | 7,246      |
|            |         | 9017,     | 1960 -     |            |            |
|            |         | 9019      | October    |            |            |
|            |         |           | 1961       |            |            |
| KH-3       | CORONA  | 9022,     | August     | 24,676     | 9,918      |
|            |         | 9023,     | 1961 -     |            |            |
|            |         | 9025,     | January    |            |            |
|            |         | 9028,     | 1962       |            |            |
|            |         | 9029      |            |            |            |
| KH-4       | CORONA  | 9031,     | February   | 239,299    | 101,743    |
|            |         | 9032,     | 1962 -     |            |            |
|            |         | 9035,     | December   |            |            |
|            |         | 9037,     | 1963       |            |            |
|            |         | 9038,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9039,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9040,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9041,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9043,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9044,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9045,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9047,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9048,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9050,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9051,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9053,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9054,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9056,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9057,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9062      |            |            |            |
| KH-4A      | CORONA  | 1001,     | August     | 1,293,025  | 517,688    |
|            |         | 1002,     | 1963 -     |            |            |
|            |         | 1004,     | October    |            |            |
|            |         | 1006      | 1969       |            |            |
|            |         | through   |            |            |            |
|            |         | 1031,     |            |            |            |
|            |         | 1033      |            |            |            |
|            |         | through   |            |            |            |
|            |         | 1052      |            |            |            |
| KH-4B      | CORONA  | 1101      | September  | *505,970   | 188,526    |
|            |         | through   | 1967 - May |            |            |
|            |         | 1112,     | 1972       |            |            |
|            |         | 1114      |            |            |            |
|            |         | through   |            |            |            |
|            |         | 1117      |            |            |            |
| KH-5       | ARGON   | 9034A,    | February   | 22,503     | 38,578     |
|            |         | 9046A,    | 1961 -     |            |            |
|            |         | 9058A,    | August     |            |            |
|            |         | 9059A,    | 1964       |            |            |
|            |         | 9065A,    |            |            |            |
|            |         | 9066A     |            |            |            |
| KH-6       | LANYARD | 8003      | March 1963 | 2,251      | 910        |
|            |         |           | -  July    |            |            |
|            |         |           | 1963       |            |            |
| Totals     |         |           |            | 2,109,221  | 866,041    |

*A very limited amount of color test film was attached to the end of missions 1104, 1105, 1106 and 1108.
A complete list of mission numbers for all attempted missions is provided in the Mission Summaries of the Appendix.

Extent of Coverage

The declassified imagery provides extensive coverage of the Earth. It contains imagery collected during the period 1960-1972 from throughout the world with significant emphasis on Eastern Europe and Asia.


The declassified imagery was acquired by satellite-borne camera systems. The satellites were designed to deorbit a film capsule (referred to as a "bucket")from space with mid-air recovery of the returning capsule by a specially equipped aircraft. Early systems operated with a single bucket, while later systems were configured with two buckets; the KH-4A was the first satellite with multiple film buckets.

Early systems (KH-1, KH-2, KH-3 and KH-6) carried a single panoramic camera, or a single frame camera (KH-5), while the later systems (KH-4, KH-4A, and KH-4B) carried two panoramic cameras with 30 degrees separation angle. For KH-4, KH-4A,and KH-4B missions, the two cameras are referred to as fore (forward looking) and aft (rear looking). The KH-6 camera was programmed to tilt between fore and aft to cover the same land area twice during a photographic pass and thus to acquire stereo coverage.

Data Characteristics

The spatial and temporal characteristics of the declassified historical satellite imagery are given here according to KH designator. For additional insight on how performance varied by mission see Mission Summaries of the Appendix.

Spatial Resolution

The best spatial resolution of the imagery is 6 feet (KH-6); the lowest resolution is approximately 460 feet (KH-5).

Camera, Film, and Image Parameters

| System    | KH-1-4*   | KH-4A     | KH-4B      | KH-5       | KH-6      |
| Camera    | Panoramic | Panoramic | Panoramic  | Frame      | Panoramic |
| Type      |           |           |            |            |           |
| Film      | 70 mm     | 70 mm     | 70 mm      | 5 in       | 5 in      |
| Width     |           |           |            |            |           |
| Approx.   | 2.18 x    | 2.18 x    | 2.18 x     | 4.5 x 4.5  | 4.5 x     |
| Frame     | 29.8      | 29.8      | 29.8       |            | 25.       |
| Format    |           |           |            |            |           |
| (in. x    |           |           |            |            |           |
| in.)      |           |           |            |            |           |
| Focal     | 24        | 24        | 24         | 3          | 66        |
| Length    |           |           |            |            |           |
| (inches)  |           |           |            |            |           |
| Best      | 50-100    | 120       | 160        | 30         | 160       |
| Resolution|           |           |            |            |           |
|   of Film |           |           |            |            |           |
| (approxim |           |           |            |            |           |
| ate)      |           |           |            |            |           |
| (lines/mm)|           |           |            |            |           |
|Enlargement| Less than | 16 times  | 16 times   | 8 times    | 16 times  |
| Capability| 10 times  |           |            |            |           |
| Best      | 25 ft.    | 9 ft.     | 6 ft.      | 460 ft.    | 6 ft.     |
| Ground    |           |           |            |            |           |
| Resolution|           |           |            |            |           |
| (approx.) |           |           |            |            |           |
| Nominal   | 90-250    | 100       | 81         | 174        | 93        |
| System    |           |           |            |            |           |
| Altitude  |           |           |            |            |           |
| (nautical |           |           |            |            |           |
| miles)    |           |           |            |            |           |
| Nominal   | 1:275,000 | 1:305     | 1:247,500  | 1:4,250    | 1:100     |
| Photo     | to        | ,000      |            | ,000       | ,000      |
| Scale on  | 1:760     |           |            |            |           |
| Film      | ,000      |           |            |            |           |
| Nominal   | 9.5 X 130 | 10.6 X    | 8.6 X 117  | 300 X 300  | 7.5 X 40  |
| Ground    | to 26 X   | 144       |            |            |           |
| Coverage/ | 360       |           |            |            |           |
| Image     |           |           |            |            |           |
| Frame     |           |           |            |            |           |
| (miles)   |           |           |            |            |           |
| Nominal   | 530       | 530       | 430        | 4000       | 180       |
| Ground    |           |           |            |            |           |
| Sample    |           |           |            |            |           |
| Distance  |           |           |            |            |           |
| of Browse |           |           |            |            |           |
| Image     |           |           |            |            |           |
|  (feet/   |           |           |            |            |           |
| pixel)    |           |           |            |            |           |

*The KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, and KH-4 are grouped together for describing camera-related features. The KH-4 designator was sometimes used by the Intelligence Community to refer to the entire group.

Temporal Coverage

The first successful photographs from space were taken on 18 August 1960 by the KH-1 system and the last of the imagery of this collection was acquired on 31 May 1972 by the KH-4B system. The Appendix entitled Mission Summaries gives the launch date and a summary account of each mission.

The periods of operation of the systems are given in a previous table.

Data Organization

The imagery collection is organized as rolls of film and comprises more than 17,000 rolls. Each mission (e.g., 9009 or 1117-2 for bucket 2 of mission 1117) is divided into passes (or orbit revolutions), and each image frame within a pass is designated by a frame number. In order to conserve film for important areas of coverage, film was not always exposed on every pass. Additionally, the fore and aft camera film are packaged separately for missions that carried twin panoramic cameras (as did mission 1117-2). Occasionally one of the pair of cameras malfunctioned or was programmed to halt, while its mate continued to operate. Therefore, there may be fore camera film but no aft camera film, or vice versa.

Imagery Index

An electronic catalog which indexes approximately 98 percent of the total image collection is available through EarthExplorer at:
The index contains mission, pass, camera, and frame number for each image frame. It also contains the date of the image and an estimation of the four corner coordinates of the area of ground coverage. This index was derived from several sources: approximately 76 percent of the image frames were indexed at the time of the original collection; and an additional 22 percent were indexed by calculating geographic coverage during 1995 by a private contractor for the CIA.

Mathematical models of camera operation and frame ephemeris (location of the satellite at the time of image frame acquisition and camera orientation information) were used to calculate image corner coordinates for all the film indexed during the 1995 effort, except KH-5 imagery frames. Frame ephemeris is not available for the KH-5 imagery, so orbital ephemeris (track of satellite through space) and estimates of timing data and camera orientation data were used along with a mathematical model of camera operation to estimate imagery frame corner coordinates.

Approximately 2 percent of the imagery frames have not been indexed because satellite position data or timing data are not available. Lack of position data was due to various causes from instrumentation failures during collection and erratic vehicle attitude behavior. The latter problem with mission 9051 precluded the indexing of any imagery frames from that mission. None of the imagery frames from mission 9046A have been indexed because time of collection was not available from existing collateral documents. For the same reason, portions of mission 9066A have not been indexed.

Corner coordinate data is a critical component of the index information. Accuracy in locating corner coordinates varies according to how coordinates were derived and according to the accuracy of information used for the derivation. As a general rule, metadata corner points have errors less than 10 miles from their actual ground positions for the CORONA and LANYARD systems, and less than 50 miles for the ARGON system. After a search of the metadata, the user should inspect the browse image and its immediate neighbors in the image series for the point of interest before placing an order for photography. For example, each CORONA image is about 10 miles wide and looking at three consecutive images in a series will compensate for 10 mile errors in cornerpoint locations. The Appendix Guidance on Metadata Accuracy gives insights into the accuracy of corner coordinate data used within the imagery index, and will aid the reader in using the index to select imagery frames of interest. Also, the use of browse imagery allows the user to review a reduced resolution image to determine whether or not a specific site is contained in the selected frame.

More than 40 percent of the imagery contains significant cloud cover. The use of browse imagery gives the user the opportunity to review a reduced spatial resolution image to determine whether or not the area of interest is covered and is or is not obscured by clouds.

Procedures for Obtaining Data

Information on CORONA products and services can be found at:

In addition to the imagery, there are a number of related documents (collateral materials) available to support research. Available documents include frame ephemeris data, orbital ephemeris data, and mission performance reports. These materials are available at the National Archives at College Park. The creation of such materials evolved over time, so not all materials are available for all missions; collateral materials were not produced for unsuccessful missions. An Appendix, Availability of Collateral Materials, categorizes the availability of information by mission.

To obtain collateral documents associated with the CORONA, ARGON and LANYARD imagery contact:

National Archives
8601 Adelphi Rd.
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 713-7030
Fax: 301-713-7488


Central Intelligence Agency, 1995, Press release, February 24, 1995: Langley, Virginia, Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

Deutch, John, 1995, CORONA and the revolution in intelligence: [presented at] CORONA Symposium, May 23, 1995, Washington, D.C., George Washington University. [Text from prepared speech.]

McDonald, R.A., 1995, CORONA--success for space reconnaissance, a look into the Cold War, and a revolution for intelligence: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 61, no. 6, p. 689-720.

Ruffner, K.C., 1995, CORONA--America's first satellite program: Washington, D.C., History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency. [Direct requests for copies to National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 or telephone the order desk at 703-487-4650]

Studeman William O., 1995, Early satellites in U.S. intelligence: [presented at] Ceremony Announcing Signing of Executive Order, February 24, 1995, Langley, Virginia, CIA Headquarters. [Text from prepared speech.]

The White House, 1995, Release of imagery acquired by space-based national intelligence reconnaissance systems-- executive order 12951: [Washington, D.C.], February 1995.


Mission Summaries

The following table gives a listing of all missions. The list is organized according to KH system designator and, secondarily, by mission number order. The statement "mission failed" is made under the mission description for missions that failed to acquire imagery. A previous table concerning the CORONA, ARGON and LANYARD systems provides additional information.

About 4 percent of the photographic passes for the CORONA system encountered circumstances where camera orientation data was not recorded. It is possible that the predicted ground area of coverage is incorrect for one or more images contained within such passes. These passes occurred within missions marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the corresponding short mission description.

Mission Summaries in Mission Number Order
| KH-1 Mission  | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
|               | Launched      |                                      |
| 9001          | 25-Jun-59     | Mission failed.  Failed to achieve   |
|               |               | orbit.                               |
| 9002          | 13-Aug-59     | Mission failed.  Power supply        |
|               |               | failure. No recovery.                |
| 9003          | 19-Aug-59     | Mission failed.  Retro rockets       |
|               |               | malfunctioned negating recovery.     |
| 9004          | 7-Nov-59      | Mission failed.  Failed to achieve   |
|               |               | orbit.                               |
| 9005          | 20-Nov-59     | Mission failed.  Eccentric orbit     |
|               |               | negating recovery.                   |
| 9006          | 4-Feb-60      | Mission failed.  Failed to achieve   |
|               |               | orbit.                               |
| 9007          | 19-Feb-60     | Mission failed.  Destroyed just      |
|               |               | after launch due to erratic          |
|               |               | attitude.                            |
| 9008          | 15-Apr-60     | Mission failed.  Attitude control    |
|               |               | system malfunctioned.                |
| 9009          | 18-Aug-60     | *First successful mission.  Cameras  |
|               |               | operated satisfactorily.             |
| 9010          | 13-Sep-60     | Mission failed.  Attained orbit      |
|               |               | successfully.  Capsule sank prior to |
|               |               | retrieval.                           |
|               |               |                                      |
| KH-2 Mission  | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
|               | Launched      |                                      |
| 9011          | 26-Oct-60     | Mission failed.  Satellite failed to |
|               |               | separate from booster. Failed to     |
|               |               | achieve orbit.                       |
| 9012          | 12-Nov-60     | Mission failed.  Obtained orbit      |
|               |               | successfully.  Film separated before |
|               |               | any camera operation leaving only    |
|               |               | 1.7 ft of film in capsule.           |
| 9013          | 7-Dec-60      | *First successful mission employing  |
|               |               | KH-2 camera system.                  |
| 9014A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9015          | 30-Mar-61     | Mission failed.  Second stage        |
|               |               | failed to obtain orbital velocity.   |
| 9016A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9017          | 16-Jun-61     | *Capsule recovered from water on     |
|               |               | orbit 32.  Streaks throughout film.  |
| 9018A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9019          | 7-Jul-61      | *Main camera malfunctioned on pass   |
|               |               | 22.                                  |
| 9020A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9021          | 3-Aug-61      | Mission failed.  No orbit.           |
|               |               | Satellite guidance system failed.    |
|               |               |                                      |
| KH-3 Mission  | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
|               | Launched      |                                      |
| 9022          | 12-Sep-61     | *Best mission to date.  Same         |
|               |               | out-of-focus condition as in 9023.   |
| 9023          | 30-Aug-61     | *First use of KH-3 camera system.    |
|               |               | All frames out of focus.             |
| 9024          | 17-Sep-61     | Mission failed.  Power failure and   |
|               |               | loss of control gas on orbit 33.     |
|               |               | Capsule was not recovered.           |
| 9025          | 13-Oct-61     | *Capsule recovered on orbit 18.  96% |
|               |               | of film out of focus.                |
| 9026          | 23-Oct-61     | Mission failed.  Satellite failed to |
|               |               | separate from Thor booster.  No      |
|               |               | orbit.                               |
| 9027          | 5-Nov-61      | Mission failed.  Improper launch     |
|               |               | angle resulted in extreme orbit.     |
|               |               | Gas valve failed, recovery not       |
|               |               | attempted.                           |
| 9028          | 15-Nov-61     | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.  Grainy emulsion     |
|               |               | noted.                               |
| 9029          | 12-Dec-61     | *Best mission to date.               |
| 9030          | 13-Jan-62     | Mission failed.  No orbit.           |
|               |               |                                      |
| KH-4 Mission  | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
|               | Launched      |                                      |
| 9031          | 27FEB2962     | *First mission of the KH-4 series.   |
|               |               | Much of film slightly out of focus.  |
| 9032          | 18-Apr-62     | *Best mission to date.               |
| 9033          | 28-Apr-62     | Mission failed.  Parachute ejector   |
|               |               | squibs holding parachute container   |
|               |               | cover failed to fire.  No recovery.  |
| 9034A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9035          | 30-May-62     | *Slight corona static on film.       |
| 9036          | 2-Jun-62      | Mission failed.  During air catch,   |
|               |               | chute tore loose.  Capsule sank.     |
| 9037          | 23-Jun-62     | Corona static occurs on some film.   |
| 9038          | 28-Jun-62     | *Severe corona static.               |
| 9039          | 21-Jul-62     | Aborted after 6 photo passes.  Heavy |
|               |               | corona and radiation fog.            |
| 9040          | 28-Jul-62     | *No filters on slave horizon         |
|               |               | cameras.  Heavy corona and radiation |
|               |               | fog.                                 |
| 9041          | 2-Aug-62      | *Severe corona and radiation fog.    |
| 9042A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9043          | 17-Sep-62     | Capping shutter malfunction, slight  |
|               |               | corona and radiation fog.            |
| 9044          | 29-Aug-62     | *Erratic vehicle attitude.           |
|               |               | Radiation fog minimal.               |
| 9045          | 29-Sep-62     | *First use of stellar camera,        |
|               |               | erratic vehicle attitude, numerous   |
|               |               | light leaks.                         |
| 9046A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9047          | 5-Nov-62      | Camera door malfunctioned, flare     |
|               |               | degraded 15% of film.                |
| 9048          | 24-Nov-62     | Some film exposed through base.      |
| 9049          | 4-Dec-62      | Mission failed.  During air catch    |
|               |               | chute tore, capsule sank.            |
| 9050          | 14-Dec-62     | Best mission to date.                |
| 9051          | 7-Jan-63      | Erratic vehicle attitude.  Frame     |
|               |               | ephemeris not created.               |
| 9052          | 28-Feb-63     | Mission failed.  Destroyed by range  |
|               |               | safety officer, 100 seconds after    |
|               |               | launch.                              |
| 9053          | 1-Apr-63      | Best imagery to date.                |
| 9054          | 12-Jun-63     | *Some imagery seriously affected by  |
|               |               | corona.                              |
| 9055A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9056          | 26-Jun-63     | *Experimental camera carried.  Film  |
|               |               | affected by light leaks.             |
| 9057          | 18-Jul-63     | Best mission to date.                |
| 9058A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9059A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9060          | 9-Nov-63      | Mission failed.  No orbit.           |
| 9061          | 27-Nov-63     | Mission failed.  Return capsule      |
|               |               | separated from satellite but         |
|               |               | remained in orbit.                   |
| 9062          | 21-Dec-63     | Corona static fogged much of film.   |
| 9065A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
| 9066A         | See KH-5      |                                      |
|               |               |                                      |
| KH-4A         | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
| Mission       | Launched      |                                      |
| 1001          | 24-Aug-63     | *First mission of KH-4A.  Some film  |
|               |               | was fogged.  Two buckets but 1001-2  |
|               |               | was never recovered.                 |
| 1002          | 23-Sep-63     | *Severe light leaks, 1002-2 never    |
|               |               | recovered, indefinite postponement   |
|               |               | of KH-4A series.                     |
| 1003          | 24-Mar-64     | Mission failed.  Guidance system     |
|               |               | failed.  No orbit.                   |
| 1004          | 15-Feb-64     | *Main cameras operated               |
|               |               | satisfactorily.  Minor degradations  |
|               |               | due to static and light leaks.       |
| 1005          | 27-Apr-64     | Mission failed.  Recovery vehicle    |
|               |               | impacted in Venezuela.               |
| 1006          | 4-Jun-64      | Highest quality imagery attained to  |
|               |               | date from the KH-4 system.           |
| 1007          | 19-Jun-64     | Out-of-focus area on some film.      |
| 1008          | 10-Jul-64     | *Cameras operated satisfactorily,    |
|               |               | some light leaks.                    |
| 1009          | 5-Aug-64      | *Cameras operated successfully.      |
| 1010          | 14-Sep-64     | *Small out of focus areas on both    |
|               |               | cameras at random times throughout   |
|               |               | the mission.                         |
| 1011          | 5-Oct-64      | *Primary mode of recovery failed on  |
|               |               | second portion of the  mission       |
|               |               | (1011-2).  Small out of focus areas  |
|               |               | present at random on both cameras.   |
| 1012          | 17-Oct-64     | *Vehicle attitude became erratic on  |
|               |               | the second portion of the mission    |
|               |               | necessitating an early recovery.     |
| 1013          | 2-Nov-64      | *Program anomaly occurred            |
|               |               | immediately after launch when both   |
|               |               | cameras operated for 417 frames.     |
|               |               | Main cameras ceased operation on rev |
|               |               | 52D of first portion of mission      |
|               |               | negating second portion.  About 65 % |
|               |               | of aft camera film is out of focus.  |
| 1014          | 18-Nov-64     | *Cameras operated successfully.      |
| 1015          | 19-Dec-64     | *Discrepancies in planned and        |
|               |               | actual coverage due to telemetry     |
|               |               | problems during the first 6          |
|               |               | revolutions.  Small out-of-focus     |
|               |               | areas on film from aft camera.       |
| 1016          | 15-Jan-65     | *Smearing of highly reflective       |
|               |               | images due to reflections within     |
|               |               | camera.                              |
| 1017          | 25-Feb-65     | *Capping shutter malfunction         |
|               |               | occurred during last 5 passes of     |
|               |               | mission.                             |
| 1018          | 25-Mar-65     | *Cameras operated successfully.      |
|               |               | First KH-4A reconnaissance system to |
|               |               | be launched into a retrograde        |
|               |               | orbit.                               |
| 1019          | 29-Apr-65     | *Cameras operated successfully.      |
|               |               | Malfunction in recovery mode on      |
|               |               | 1019-2 negated recovery.             |
| 1020          | 9-Jun-65      | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.  Erratic attitude    |
|               |               | caused an early recovery after the   |
|               |               | second day of 1020-2.                |
| 1021          | 18-May-65     | *Aft camera ceased operation on pass |
|               |               | 102.                                 |
| 1022          | 19-Jul-65     | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
| 1023          | 17-Aug-65     | * Program anomaly caused the fore    |
|               |               | camera to cease operation during     |
|               |               | revolutions 103-132.                 |
| 1024          | 22-Sep-65     | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.  Cameras not         |
|               |               | operated on passes 88D-93D.          |
| 1025          | 5-Oct-65      | *Main cameras operated               |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
| 1026          | 28-Oct-65     | * All cameras operated               |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
| 1027          | 9-Dec-65      | *Erratic attitude necessitated       |
|               |               | recovery after two days of           |
|               |               | operation.  All cameras operated     |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
| 1028          | 24-Dec-65     | * Cameras operated satisfactorily.   |
| 1029          | 2-Feb-66      | *Both panoramic cameras were         |
|               |               | operational throughout.              |
| 1030          | 9-Mar-66      | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
| 1031          | 7-Apr-66      | *The aft-looking camera              |
|               |               | malfunctioned after the recovery of  |
|               |               | bucket "1".  No material was         |
|               |               | received in bucket "2" (1031-2).     |
| 1032          | 3-May-66      | Mission failed.  Vehicle failed to   |
|               |               | achieve orbit.                       |
| 1033          | 24-May-66     | *The stellar camera shutter of       |
|               |               | bucket "2" remained open for         |
|               |               | approximately 200 frames.            |
| 1034          | 21-Jun-66     | *Failure of velocity/altitude        |
|               |               | programmer produced poor imagery     |
|               |               | after revolution 5.                  |
| 1035          | 20-Sep-66     | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.  First mission flown |
|               |               | with pan geometry modification.      |
| 1036          | 9-Aug-66      | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
| 1037          | 8-Nov-66      | *Second pan geometry mission.        |
|               |               | Higher than normal base plus fog     |
|               |               | encountered on both main camera      |
|               |               | records.                             |
| 1038          | 14-Jan-67     | *Fair image quality.                 |
| 1039          | 22-Feb-67     | *Normal KH-4 mission.  Light from    |
|               |               | horizon camera on both main camera   |
|               |               | records during 1039-1.               |
| 1040          | 30-Mar-67     | Satellite flown nose first, all      |
|               |               | cameras operated satisfactorily.     |
| 1041          | 9-May-67      | *Due to the failure of the booster   |
|               |               | cut-off switch, the satellite went   |
|               |               | into a highly eccentric orbit.       |
|               |               | Significant image degradation.       |
| 1042          | 16-Jun-67     | *Small out-of-focus area in forward  |
|               |               | camera of 1042-1.                    |
| 1043          | 7-Aug-67      | *Forward camera film came out of the |
|               |               | rails on pass 230D.  Film degraded   |
|               |               | past this point.                     |
| 1044          | 2-Nov-67      | *All cameras operated fine.          |
| 1045          | 24-Jan-68     | *All cameras operated                |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
| 1046          | 14-Mar-68     | * Image quality good for 1046-1 and  |
|               |               | fair for 1046-2.                     |
| 1047          | 20-Jun-68     | *Out-of-focus imagery is present on  |
|               |               | both main camera records.            |
| 1048          | 18-Sep-68     | *Film in the forward camera          |
|               |               | separated and camera failed on       |
|               |               | mission 1048-2, also the             |
|               |               | stellar/index camera unit failed.    |
| 1049          | 12-Dec-68     | *Degraded film                       |
| 1050          | 19-Mar-69     | *Due to abnormal rotational rates    |
|               |               | after revolution 22, the mission was |
|               |               | terminated after a total of three    |
|               |               | days collecting photography.         |
| 1051          | 2-May-69      | *Imagery of both pan camera records  |
|               |               | is soft and lacks crispness and edge |
|               |               | sharpness.                           |
| 1052          | 22-Sep-69     | *Last of the KH-4A missions, all     |
|               |               | camera systems operated              |
|               |               | satisfactorily.                      |
|               |               |                                      |
| KH-4B Mission | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
|               | Launched      |                                      |
| 1101          | 15-Sep-67     | First mission of the KH-4B series.   |
|               |               | Best film to date.                   |
| 1102          | 9-Dec-67      | *Noticeable image smear for forward  |
|               |               | camera, but best imagery to date.    |
| 1103          | 1-May-68      | *Out-of-focus imagery is present on  |
|               |               | both main camera records.            |
| 1104          | 7-Aug-68      | *Best imagery to date on any KH-4    |
|               |               | systems.  Bicolor and color infrared |
|               |               | experiments were conducted on this   |
|               |               | mission.                             |
| 1105          | 3-Nov-68      | *Image quality is variable and       |
|               |               | displays areas of soft focus and     |
|               |               | image smear.                         |
| 1106          | 5-Feb-69      | *The best image quality to date.     |
| 1107          | 24-Jul-69     | Forward camera failed on pass 1 and  |
|               |               | remained inoperative throughout the  |
|               |               | rest of the mission.                 |
| 1108          | 4-Dec-69      | Cameras operated satisfactorily and  |
|               |               | the mission carried 811 ft of aerial |
|               |               | color film added to the end of the   |
|               |               | film supply.                         |
| 1109          | 4-Mar-70      | Cameras operated satisfactorily but  |
|               |               | the overall image quality of both    |
|               |               | the forward and aft records is       |
|               |               | variable.                            |
| 1110          | 20-May-70     | The overall image quality is less    |
|               |               | than that provided by recent         |
|               |               | missions and 2,000 feet of S0-349    |
|               |               | (new film) was spliced into the      |
|               |               | regular film.                        |
| 1111          | 23-Jul-70     | The overall image quality is good.   |
| 1112          | 18-Nov-70     | The forward camera failed on pass    |
|               |               | 104 and remained inoperative         |
|               |               | throughout the rest of the mission.  |
| 1113          | 17-Feb-71     | Mission failed due to failure of     |
|               |               | Thor booster.  Destroyed shortly     |
|               |               | after launch.                        |
| 1114          | 24-Mar-71     | *The overall image quality is good   |
|               |               | and comparable to the best of past   |
|               |               | missions.  On-board program failed   |
|               |               | after pass 235, ceasing photographic |
|               |               | acquisition.                         |
| 1115          | 10-Sep-71     | *Overall image quality is good.      |
| 1116          | 19-Mar-72     | *Very successful mission and image   |
|               |               | quality was good.                    |
| 1117          | 25-May-72     | *Last KH-4B mission.  Very           |
|               |               | successful mission, image quality    |
|               |               | was good.  Final CORONA mission.     |
|               |               |                                      |
| KH-5  Mission | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
|               | Launched      |                                      |
| 9014A         | 17-Feb-61     | Mission failed.  Program             |
|               |               | malfunctioned and capsule did not    |
|               |               | reenter.  First attempted ARGON      |
|               |               | mission.                             |
| 9016A         | 8-Apr-61      | Mission failed.  Loss of satellite   |
|               |               | control gas caused unstable          |
|               |               | condition. No recovery.              |
| 9018A         | 8-Jun-61      | Mission failed.  Electrical failure  |
|               |               | occurred in launch sequence guidance |
|               |               | system.                              |
| 9020A         | 21-Jul-61     | Mission failed.  Destroyed by range  |
|               |               | safety officer because of abnormal   |
|               |               | pitch.                               |
| 9034A         | 15-May-62     | First successful KH-5 mission.       |
| 9042A         | 1-Sep-62      | Mission failed.  Parachute shrouds   |
|               |               | parted during air catch, capsule     |
|               |               | sank.                                |
| 9046A         | 9-Oct-62      | 50% of stellar terrain film was      |
|               |               | blank due to shutter malfunction.    |
| 9055A         | 26-Apr-63     | Mission failed.   Attitude sensors   |
|               |               | were misaligned.  No orbit.          |
| 9058A         | 29-Aug-63     | Considered to be best mission to     |
|               |               | date in Argon program.               |
| 9059A         | 29-Oct-63     | Fourth film payload retrieved in     |
|               |               | ARGON program.  Film comparable to   |
|               |               | that of 9058A.                       |
| 9065A         | 13-Jun-64     | Best KH-5 mission to date.           |
| 9066A         | 21-Aug-64     | 15% of stellar film degraded by      |
|               |               | flare.  Image smearing on leading    |
|               |               | edge of main camera film.  Final     |
|               |               | ARGON mission.                       |
|               |               |                                      |
| KH-6  Mission | Date          | Short Mission Description            |
|               | Launched      |                                      |
| 8001          | 18-Mar-63     | Mission failed.  First launch of     |
|               |               | KH-6.  No orbit.                     |
| 8002          | 18-May-63     | Second launch of KH-6.  Operation was|
|               |               | successful but no film was used.     |
| 8003          | 31-Jul-63     | Third and final KH-6 mission         |
|               |               | (LANYARD).  Mission was successful   |
|               |               | but image quality was poor.          |

*Indicates that the mission contained at least one pass where the camera orientation data was not recorded.

Guidance on Metadata Accuracy

The imagery is indexed, and can be accessed and retrieved using spatial metadata containing the geographic area of coverage of each image. The metadata has over 860,000 records, each corresponding to an image. For each image the predicted area of coverage is recorded using the latitudes and longitudes (coordinates) of the four corner locations of each image.

A critical component of the index information is the corner coordinate data. The ability to correctly retrieve an image containing a specific point of interest on the ground depends on the percentage of overlap between the area of coverage predicted by the metadata and the area of coverage of the actual image. This in turn depends on the accuracy of the corner points in each metadata record. The accuracy in locating corner coordinates varies according to how the coordinates were derived and according to the accuracy of information that was available for the derivation.

Metadata records can be divided into three classes according to how the data was derived:

  1. metadata records derived from legacy databases
  2. metadata records computed using camera model software (completed under CIA contract by a private company)
  3. metadata records for which no corner coordinate data is available.

For the first class, corner point coordinates were derived from legacy databases for approximately 76 percent of the imagery. This data was created and entered during the period 1960 to 1972. For the second class (approximately 22 percent of the imagery), metadata were calculated by camera model algorithms in 1995 using ephemeris documents that estimated the orbital position of the vehicle and camera orientation at the time each photograph was acquired. The class of metadata calculated by camera model algorithms can be subdivided further into two subclasses: that calculated using frame ephemeris (18%), and that synthesized using orbital ephemeris (4%). For the third class (approximately 2 percent of the imagery), no camera position data could be found or interpolated. The metadata referencing these images has been coded to indicate the absence of corner point information and are not searchable by geographic location.

As a general rule, metadata corner points have errors less than 10 miles from their actual ground positions for the CORONA and LANYARD systems, and less than 50 miles for the ARGON system. A summary on the accuracy of corner coordinate data is given here. As a caution to the user, it is noted that the information presented here was derived from a small number of data samples.

Summary of Metadata Corner Coordinate Accuracy Observations
|          |          |      Observations Based on 16 Images     |         |
|          |          |------------------------------------------|         |
| Source   | Nominal  | # Images | Yaw      | Corners  | Overlap | % of    |
| of       | Corner   | Observed | Error    | Within   | -Actual | Imagery |
| Metadata | Coord.   |          | Greater  | 10 miles | vs.     | Affected|
| (Systems | Error    |          | Than 1   | of       | Project |         |
| Affected)|          |          | degree   | Actual   | ed      |         |
|          |          |          |          | Location | Ground  |         |
|          |          |          |          |          | Area    |         |
| Metadata | 10       | 2        | 2        | 6 of 8   | 50%     | 76%     |
| from     | miles    |          |          |          | (1)     |         |
| legacy   |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| databases|          |          |          |          |         |         |
| (CORONA) |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| Metadata | 10       | 13       | 10       | 36 of 40 | 67%     | 18%     |
| computed | miles    |          |          | (2)      | (3)     |         |
| with     |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| camera   |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| model    |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| and      |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| frame    |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| ephemeris|          |          |          |          |         |         |
| (CORONA, |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| and      |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| LANYARD) |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| Metadata | 50       | 1        | 1        | 0 of 4   | 80%     | 4%      |
| computed | miles    |          |          | (5)      |         |         |
| with     |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| camera   |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| model    |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| and      |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| orbital  |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| ephemeris|          |          |          |          |         |         |
|   (4)    |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| (ARGON)  |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| No       | - - -    | 0        | - - -    | - - -    | - - -   | 2%      |
| corner   |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| coordina |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| tes      |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| available|          |          |          |          |         |         |
| (CORONA, |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| ARGON,   |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| and      |          |          |          |          |         |         |
| LANYARD) |          |          |          |          |         |         |

  1. Actual images are larger than area calculated from metadata.
  2. Ground position of some corners could not be accurately located from imagery.
  3. Most of error is due to yaw variation.
  4. Camera model algorithm assumed zero values for roll, pitch and yaw.
  5. For this ARGON image, 4 of 4 were within 50 miles of the actual location.

The message from this information is that, after a search of the metadata, the user should inspect the browse image and its immediate neighbors in the image series for the point of interest before placing an order for photography. For example, each CORONA image is about 10 miles wide and looking at three consecutive images in a series will compensate for 10 mile errors in corner point locations. Select the record corresponding to 'browse image' containing area of interest.

Additional observations on the metadata are given as an aid to using the index to select imagery frames.

Relationships Between Adjacent Image Frames

When using the metadata, it is helpful to know that the imagery was collected as a series of adjacent frames. The overlap between adjacent frames is approximately 10 percent and is in the direction of the satellite ground track for the KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A, KH-4B and KH-6 systems. There is approximately 70 percent overlap in the direction of the satellite ground track for imagery collected by the KH-5 camera.

IMAGE Typical Overlap Between Adjacent Imagery Frames For A Single Panoramic Camera. (13.8kb)

Additional Metadata Observations

Most (nominal) corner points appear to have less than 10 miles of error for the CORONA system. A few exceptions (outliers) have been observed with 100's of miles of error. The outliers appear to result from vehicle guidance problems, or sensor malfunction.

Legacy metadata are affected by the following: legacy databases only recorded latitude and longitude to the nearest minute of arc; and legacy data appears to have been cropped top and bottom by about 5 percent; and left and right by about 10 percent. This means that the actual images are wider by 20 to 30 miles than indicated by some metadata. This does not affect the camera model software derived metadata.

Yaw Measurement Systems

In many cases, corner point errors can be largely attributed to uncertainty of the vehicle yaw at the time the image was acquired. It appears that two systems for measuring yaw had been used in the historical frame ephemeris documents, and there is ambiguity as to which was used for each mission.

In the first system, yaw is measured from the ground track of the vehicle. In the second system, yaw is measured from the inertial flight path of the vehicle. These systems differ due to the rotational velocity of the Earth which at the equator can cause the two yaw measures to differ by up to 3.5 degrees (this would correspond to a 4 mile corner point error). Some frame ephemeris documents indicate that the yaw difference between the forward and aft cameras varies by up to .25 degrees through the course of a mission. This observation is inconsistent with the previously mentioned yaw measurement systems and points to the possibility of a third system for measuring yaw for some missions.

The success rate for image retrieval during a search on EarthExplorer is determined by the percentage of area overlap between the predicted and actual area of coverage. The effect of yaw error is to rotate the predicted area of coverage. Fortunately, even though the corner points may have up to 10 miles of error, the area of overlap has been observed to nominally be between 50 percent and 80 percent. These percentages are the same as the likelihood of retrieving the correct image on the first try. The likelihood improves when neighboring images in a series are also retrieved.

Since most frame ephemeris documents do not indicate which yaw measurement system was used, some camera model software- derived metadata may not have used the most appropriate model. The area of coverage for these images will show a yaw bias from 0 to 3.5 degrees depending on the orbital inclination of the mission and the latitude of the vehicle at the time the image was acquired.

A description of yaw bias was reported in the preface of the frame ephemeris document for mission 1105-1. It advises that approximate yaw for a given descending pass and frame may be derived (for mission 1105-1) by using the following table of programmed vehicle yaw values. It is based on geodetic latitude and the orbital inclination angle for the mission.

Yaw Steering Table (Degrees)
|                  |Inclination of Orbit,Degrees|
|                  |----------------------------|
| Degrees          | 70   | 75   | 80   | 85    |
| Latitude         |      |      |      |       |
| 0                | 3.26 | 3.34 | 3.39 | 3.41  |
| 10               | 3.20 | 3.28 | 3.33 | 3.35  |
| 20               | 3.04 | 3.12 | 3.17 | 3.19  |
| 30               | 2.76 | 2.85 | 2.91 | 2.94  |
| 40               | 2.38 | 2.49 | 2.56 | 2.60  |
| 50               | 1.90 | 2.03 | 2.13 | 2.17  |
| 60               | 1.28 | 1.48 | 1.61 | 1.68  |
| 70               | 0    | 0.78 | 1.02 | 1.13  |
| 80               | ---- | ---- | 0    | 0.52  |
| 90               | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----- |

Illustrations comparing actual ground area of coverage to the area of coverage computed by camera model software are given below. Rotational misalignments are attributed to unknowns regarding camera yaw at the time each image frame was exposed. (Note: CMS = derived from camera model software.)

IMAGE Derived Corner Coordinates Versus Actual Ground Coordinates For An Image From Mission 9009. (10.2kb)

IMAGE Derived Corner Coordinates Versus Actual Ground Coordinates For An Image From Mission 9013. (9.5kb)

Exact locations of the actual ground positions for the "left" side corners could not be determined from the image.

IMAGE Derived Corner Coordinates Versus Actual Ground Coordinates For Corresponding Images From Fore and Aft Cameras From A Single Pass During Mission 1033-2. (10.6kb)

Availability of Collateral Materials

This table shows the collection of collateral materials (materials associated with the CORONA, ARGON and LANYARD imagery) that are available at the National Archives and Records Administration. The table is organized by mission number. Unsuccessful missions that have no documents of these types are not listed. Materials are available as printed records in hardcopy format, or in film-base formats (microfilm or microfiche), or in multiple formats as indicated in the table. Abbreviations used in the table are defined below, including a brief description of the contents of each document type.

Glossary of Terms for Collateral Documents

Mission Coverage Plot (hard copy) - documents that show plots of passes overlaid on large scale map backgrounds (does not include North America).

Mission Coverage Plot (microfiche) - microfiche recordings of documents that show plots of passes overlaid on map backgrounds (does not include North America).

Supplemental Mission Coverage Plot (hard copy) - documents that show plots of passes overlaid on map backgrounds of North America.

Supplemental Mission Coverage Plot (microfiche) - microfiche recordings of documents that show plots of passes overlaid on map backgrounds of North America.

Photographic Evaluation Report (hard copy) - reports whether cameras operated satisfactorily during mission and whether quality of imagery was consistently good.

P. M. (F)
Photo Mosaics (microfiche) - show strips of imagery (photo mosaics) mounted on map sheets (typically World Aeronautical Charts) to correspond with the satellite passes of the mission. The original hardcopy documents are also in archival storage at NARA.

O. E. (H)
Orbit Ephemeris Data (hard copy) - contains the best-guess orbital ephemeris including revolution number, date, universal time, geodetic latitude and longitude, altitude and orbital parameters. The exact data and precision of recording varied over time with later missions recording more information at greater precision.

F. E. (H)
Frame Ephemeris Data (hard copy) - contains post-mission data on satellite ephemeris and camera orientation information. Exact data and precision of recording varied over time with later missions recording more information at greater precision.

F. E. (F)
Frame Ephemeris Data (microfilm) - microfilm recordings of the frame ephemeris. The microfilm reel for a given mission also contains the orbital ephemeris information for that mission.

Mission Parameter File (hard copy) - frame ephemeris data for missions 1108-1 through 1117-2. The document name change began with mission 1108-1 and signifies that greater detail was recorded.

Mission Parameter File (microfilm) - microfilm recording of the Mission Parameter File documents.

Availability of Collateral Materials by Mission
| KH-1 | MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.  | O.   | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.  | E.   | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F) | (H)  | (H) | (F) |    |      |
| 9009 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   |      | X   | X   |    |      |
|      |      |      |     |      |      |     |      |     |     |    |      |
| KH-2 | MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.  | O.   | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.  | E.   | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F) | (H)  | (H) | (F) |    |      |
| 9013 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   |     |    |      |
| 9017 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   |     |    |      |
| 9019 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   |     |    |      |
|      |      |      |     |      |      |     |      |     |     |    |      |
| KH-3 | MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.  | O.   | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.  | E.   | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F) | (H)  | (H) | (F) |    |      |
| 9022 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9023 |      | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9025 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9028 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9029 | X    | X    |     |      |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
|      |      |      |     |      |      |     |      |     |     |    |      |
| KH-4 | MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.  | O.   | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.  | E.   | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F) | (H)  | (H) | (F) |    |      |
| 9031 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9032 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9035 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9037 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9038 | X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9039 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9040 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9041 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9043 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9044 | X    | X    | X   | X    |      | X   | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9045 |      | X    | X   | X    |      |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9047 | X    | X    | X   | X    | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9048 | X    | X    | X   | X    | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9050 |      | X    | X   | X    | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9051 |      |      |     |      | X    |     |      |     |     |    |      |
| 9053 | X    | X    |     |      | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9054 | X    | X    |     |      | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9056 | X    | X    | X   |      | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9057 | X    | X    |     |      | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| 9062 | X    | X    | X   | X    | X    |     | X    | X   | X   |    |      |
| KH-4A| MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.   | O.  | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.   | E.  | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F)  | (H) | (H) | (F) |    |      |
|1001-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    |      | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1002-1| X    | X    |     |      | X    |      | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1004-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1004-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1006-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1006-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1007-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    |      | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1007-2| X    | X    |     |      | X    |      | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1008-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1008-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1009-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1009-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1010-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1010-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1011-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1012-1|      | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1012-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1013-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1013-2|      |      |     |      | X    |      |     |     |     |    |      |
|1014-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1014-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1015-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1015-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1016-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1016-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1017-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1017-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1018-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1018-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1019-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1020-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1020-2| X    | X    |     |      | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1021-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1021-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1022-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1022-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1023-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1023-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1024-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1024-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1025-1| X    |      | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1025-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1026-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1026-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1027-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1027-2|      |      |     |      | X    |      |     |     |     |    |      |
|1028-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1028-2| X    | X    | X   |      | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1029-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1029-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1030-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1030-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1031-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1031-2|      | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1033-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1033-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1034-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1034-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1035-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1035-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1036-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1036-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1037-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1037-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1038-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1038-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
| KH-4A| MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.   | O.  | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.   | E.  | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F)  | (H) | (H) | (F) |    |      |
|1039-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1039-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1040-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1040-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1041-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1041-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1042-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1042-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1043-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1043-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1044-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1044-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1045-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1045-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1046-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1046-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1047-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1047-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1048-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1048-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1049-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1049-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1050-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    |      | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1050-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1051-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1051-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1052-1|      | X    |     | X    |      | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1052-2|      | X    |     | X    |      | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
| KH-4B| MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.   | O.  | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.   | E.  | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F)  | (H) | (H) | (F) |    |      |
|1101-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1101-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1102-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1102-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1103-1| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1103-2|      | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1104-1|      | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1104-2| X    | X    | X   | X    | X    | X    |     | X   | X   |    |      |
|1105-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1105-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1106-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1106-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1107-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1107-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   | X   | X   |    |      |
|1108-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1108-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1109-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    |     |     |     | X  | X    |
|1109-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1110-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1110-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1111-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1111-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1112-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1112-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1114-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1114-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1115-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1115-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1116-1|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1116-2|      | X    |     | X    | X    | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1117-1|      | X    |     | X    |      | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
|1117-2|      | X    |     | X    |      | X    | X   |     |     | X  | X    |
| KH-5 | MCP  | MCP  | SUPP| SUPP | PER  | P.   | O.  | F.  | F.  | MPF| MPF  |
| MISS | (H)  | (F)  | MCP | MCP  | (H)  | M.   | E.  | E.  | E.  | (H)| (F)  |
| ION  |      |      | (H) | (F)  |      | (F)  | (H) | (H) | (F) |    |      |
| 9034A|      |      |     |      |      |      | X   | X*  |     |    |      |
| 9046A|      |      |     |      |      |      | X   |     |     |    |      |
| 9058A|      |      |     |      |      |      | X   | X** |     |    |      |
| 9059A|      |      |     |      |      |      | X   | X** |     |    |      |
| 9065A|      |      |     |      |      |      | X   | X** |     |    |      |
| 9066A|      |      |     |      |      |      | X   | X** |     |    |      |
|      |      |      |     |      |      |      |     |     |     |    |      |
| KH-6 |      |      |     |      |      |      |     |     |     |    |      |
| 8003 | X    | X    | X   | X    | X    |      |     | X   |     |    |      |

*Frame ephemeris for Mission 9034A does not contain camera orientation information.
**Program Ephemeris and Camera Orientation Data derived from stellar photography are available for the indicated KH-5 missions. logo  Take Pride in America button