U.S. Geological Survey

National Landslide Hazards Mitigation Strategy




U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0450



In response to the rising costs from landslide hazards in the United States, this report outlines key elements of a comprehensive and effective national strategy for reducing losses from landslides nationwide, including activities at the national, State, and local levels, in both the public and private sectors. The report provides an assessment of the status, needs, and associated costs of this national landslide hazards mitigation strategy.

The essential elements of a National Landslide Hazards Mitigation Strategy include developing new partnerships between government at all levels, academia, and the private sector, and expanding landslide research, mapping, assessment, real-time monitoring, forecasting, information management and dissemination, development of mitigation tools, and emergency preparedness and response. The strategy makes use of new technological advances, enlists the expertise associated with other related hazards such as floods, earthquakes and volcanic activity, and utilizes incentives for the adoption of loss reduction measures nationwide.

The strategy envisions a society that is fully aware of landslide hazards and routinely takes action to reduce both the risks and costs associated with those hazards. The long-term mission of a comprehensive landslide hazard mitigation strategy is to provide and encourage the use of scientific information, maps, methodology, and guidance for emergency management, land-use planning, and development and implementation of public and private policy to reduce losses from landslides and other ground failure hazards nationwide. The 10-year goal is to substantially reduce the risk of loss of life, injuries, economic costs, and destruction of natural and cultural resources that result from landslides and other ground failure hazards.

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