U.S. Geological Survey

Computer Programs for Limit-Equilibrium Slope-Stability Analyses -- FelleniusGS, BishopGS, and JanbuGS

By Rex L. Baum

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0107

Version 1.0

Simple Fortran 77 programs implement three published methods of limit-equilibrium slope-stability analysis that have been used in post-landslide investigations. The report includes a user guide and tutorial, sample data files, source code, and compiled programs for Windows 95/98/NT and the Mac OS. The programs use text files for input and output. Users can create foreign-language versions without recompiling the programs by editing the initialization files.

README file (TEXT) (12 KB)

Download self-extracting archive for IBM-compatible PC (775 KB)

Download self-extracting archive for MACINTOSH (919 KB)

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