Argonne National Laboratory Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division
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National Security

The Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (ACL) provides a broad range of analytical chemistry support services to the scientific and engineering programs at Argonne National Laboratory and specialized analysis for government, academic, and industrial organizations. Our analytical services and research comprise inorganic, radiochemical, organic, microstructural chararacterization, and environmental analyses and studies.

Nanoscale Engineering for Biomedicine and National Security

Previous work on the use of magnetic microparticles to recover metals, fission products, and high-level radionuclides from liquid waste streams has led to research that uses magnetic nanospheres for biomedical and national security applications.

We are leading a team of scientists, engineers, and medical researchers in the development of technology that uses magnetic nanospheres for human detoxification of blood-borne toxins (radiological, biological, and chemical). Originally developed for in-field use by military personnel, the work also will have application in the early diagnosis and treatment of certain medical conditions.

In other nanoscale engineering work, our researchers are completing development of a system to quickly and nondestructively decontaminate structures such as buildings and monuments using a spray-on, super-absorbent gel and engineered microparticles. The technology will help the nation be more prepared in the event of a terrorist attack with a “dirty bomb” or other radioactive dispersal device.


David Chamberlain, Manager
National Security
Chemical Engineering and Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory, Bldg. 205
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439  USA
phone: 630/252-7699
fax: 630/972-4409

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National Security Staff

Other National Security R&D at Argonne

U.S. Department of Energy The University of Chicago Office of Science - Department of Energy
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