ASC Appraisal Subcommittee
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Title IXRulesPolicy Statements

Policy Statements

On September 22, 1997, the ASC adopted the most recent version of the Policy Statements Regarding State Certification and Licensing of Real Estate Appraisers

These Policies consist of twelve separate sections: an introduction, a purpose paragraph, and ten Policy Statements. The Policy Statements are:

  • Statement 1  - -  State Regulatory Structure and Independence of Functions;
  • Statement 2  - -  Appraiser Classifications;
  • Statement 3  - -  Appraisal Standards;
  • Statement 4  - -  Written Appraisal Reports;
  • Statement 5  - -  Temporary Practice;
  • Statement 6  - -  Reciprocity;
  • Statement 7  - -  Prohibition Against Discrimination;
  • Statement 8  - -  National Registry of State Certified and Licensed Appraisers;
  • Statement 9  - -  Information Sharing; and
  • Statement 10 - - Enforcement

On January 13, 1999, the ASC amended ASC Policy Statement 8.C. to conform to Comptroller General of the United States Decision B-279866.2 (November 3, 1998), which prohibited the ASC from identifying appraisers on the National Registry as eligible to perform appraisals in connection with federally related transactions for years for which a State has collected fees but has not transmitted them to the ASC.

At its October 11, 2000 meeting, the ASC adopted amendments to Policy Statements 1 and 10, which became effective on January 1, 2001.

On August 11, 2004, the ASC adopted additional amendments to ASC Policy Statements 1 and 10, which became effective on January 1, 2005.

Policy Statements 1 and 10, as amended, together with our transmittal letter to State appraiser regulatory agencies and a summary of comments, can be read and downloaded below.

At its August 9, 2007 meeting, the ASC amended ASC Policy Statement 10 by adding paragraph G. The new paragraph has no specific effective date because it did not establish new requirements. New paragraph 10 G, together with our transmittal letter to State appraiser regulatory agencies and a summary of comments, can be read and downloaded below.

At its August 14, 2008 meeting, the ASC adopted a revised Policy Statement 10G. The revised Policy Statement will become effective October 1, 2008. Revised paragraph 10G, together with our transmittal letter to State appraiser regulatory agencies and a summary of comments, can be read and downloaded below

  LTR All States transmitting ASC Policy Stmt Amendment re Experience Validation and USPAP Compliance, Comment Summary and Policy Statement 10G 8.27.08  
  LTR Comments on ASC Policy Statement 10G - 8.27.08  
  LTR All States Transmitting ASC Policy Statement Amendment re Experience Validation and USPAP Compliance, Comment Summary, and Policy Statement 10 G 08.13.07  
  All ASC Policy Statements, as amended 08.09.07  
  LTR Comments on ASC Policy Statement 10 G 08.09.07  
  LTR All States Requested Comment on Proposed Policy Statement re Experience Validation and USPAP Compliance 03.28.07  
  LTR All States Transmitting Policy Amendment re Third Party Processors 08.25.04  
  LTR All States Transmitting Policy Amendment re Affidavit Use 08.25.04  
  All ASC Policy Policy Statements, as amended 8.11.04  
  ASC Policy Statement Amendment re Affidavit Use 08.11.04  
  ASC Policy Statement Amendment re Third Party Processors 08.11.04  
  All ASC Policy Statements, as amended 10.11.00  
  ASC Policy Statements Transmittal Letter, Comment Summary, and Statements 1 & 10 10.11.00  
  ASC Policy Statements 1.13.99  
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