Med Week 2008

Fay E. Ott


Dear Friends:

Welcome to the Nation’s Capital and the 26th Annual National Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week 2008 Conference.  This year’s MED Week Conference theme – The Power of Strategic Alliances in the Global Economy- emphasizes the importance of thinking globally as a strategy to increase your competitive viability.

I am delighted that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is co-hosting the workshop entitled, “Small Business Benefits from Free Trade Agreements.” This workshop will provide information on the advantages of Free Trade Agreements.

The SBA has a number of programs and resources designed to provide education and training that will increase your awareness of government contracting opportunities.  One of the tools currently available to small businesses is a free online course, Business Opportunities: A Guide to Winning Federal Contracts, which is a self-paced guide that can be accessed by visiting:, clicking on the menu of free online courses and selecting the first course listed under Government Contracting.  Participants will receive a certificate of completion upon completing the 30-minute tutorial.

Another tool designed to help you gain access to contract opportunities and various forms of technical assistance is a brochure entitled Opening Doors to Federal Government Contracting Opportunities available at:  I encourage you to use this opportunity to network with industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs to obtain valuable information and forge strategic business alliances that will enhance your competitiveness.

Congratulations to all of the MED Week 2008 winners.  Best wishes for continued success in your entrepreneurial endeavors.



Fay E. Ott
Associate Administrator
for Government Contracting and
Business Development