SSDOO Summer Intern Activities

Each summer the Space Science Data Operations Office (SSDOO) hosts a sizable number of interns from various education programs supported by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Students from different colleges/ universities across the country and several local high schools join staff members for six to eight weeks to work on various scientific and technical tasks. There are also college professors and high school teachers who come to learn from and make contributions to SSDOO. To find out more about the various education programs at GSFC, please contact:

Dr. Robert Gabrys, GSFC Education Office (K-12)
Mr. Daniel Krieger, GSFC Equal Employment Opportunity Office
Dr. Gerald Soffen, GSFC Office of University Programs

Information about permanent employment at Goddard is available at (301)286-7918 and on the GSFC Office of Human Resources homepage:

Take a synoptic view of previous summer intern activities at SSDOO:

* Summer '99 Group Picture
* Summer '99 Interns' Work
* Summer '98 Group Picture A
* Summer '98 Group Picture B
* Summer '98 Intern and Mentor Information Page
* Summer '97 Activities
* Summer '96 Activities
* Summer '95 Activities
* Home pages of selective summer interns

Return to SSDOO Education Home Page

Curator:Carolyn Ng,
NSSDC, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 633
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Responsible Party: Nathan James
NSSDC, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 633
Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dr. James Green, Chief, SSDOO Code 630
Last Updated: 23 January 2002, NLJ