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Tools and Technology

Tools & Technologies provide planners, engineers, landscape architects, and other designers information that they can use to promote safe walking and bicycling. These tools are provided to facilitate community planning, design, and operations. Learn more about the tools & technologies that exist.


  • Bicycle Safety Education Resource Center - The FHWA's Safety Core Business Unit just completed the development of a Bicycle Safety Education Resource Center
    • This Resource Center provides bicycle safety education information for the following groups: Preschool (under age 5), Beginner (ages 5-8), Young (Ages 9-12), Teenage (13+), Adult, Senior, Motorists, and Adults Teaching Children.
    • The Resource Center consists of three parts. The first part is a Database, where you can look for training materials for your intended audience. It even allows you to tailor your search and be as specific as possible. The second part is a Database Guide that identifies the training needs of the eight different audiences identified above. The third part is a Good Practices Guide that will guide you through the process of designing your own program.
  • Ped/Bike Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT) - [HTML, PDF 210KB] - is a crash typing software product intended to assist state and local pedestrian/bicycle coordinators, planners and engineers with improving walking and bicycling safety through the development and analysis of a database containing details associated with crashes between motor vehicles and pedestrians or bicyclists.
  • Bicycle Countermeasures - [PDF, 8.6MB] - The Bicycle Safety Resource Guide was prepared for the bicycle safety professional and others who are proactive in developing programs at the state or community level. It provides a compilation of existing and proposed countermeasures that can be used by a variety of implementers to help solve a wide range of bicycle safety problems.


Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)

  • Capacity Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities: Recommended Procedures for the "Signalized Intersections" Chapter of the Highway Capacity Manual - [PDF, 509KB]
  • Capacity Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities: Recommended Procedures for the "Pedestrians" Chapter of the Highway Capacity Manual - [PDF, 564KB]

The Bicycle Compatability Index

  • BCI: A Level of Service Concept, Technical Brochure - [PDF, 961KB]
  • BCI: A Level of Service Concept
    • Implementation Manual - [PDF, 1MB] - This document demonstrates the application of Bicycle Compatibility Index to evaluate the capability of urban and suburban roadway sections to accomodate both motorists and bicyclists.
    • BCI: Final Report - [PDF, 1.73MB]

Other Tools

  • National Strategies for Advancing Bicycle Safety - NHTSA - The National Strategies for Advancing Bicycle Safety is a national safety agenda designed to make bicycling safer for everyone. The agenda is the work of more than 75 participants who shaped the goals and strategies during a conference held in Washington, D.C. in July 2000. The National Strategies for Advancing Bicycle Safety defines goals, strategies, and initial actions that can be taken to reduce bicycle related deaths and injuries nationwide.

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