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International Practices

Several reference materials exist that illustrate the need for pedestrian safety and how communities have been designed to ensure safety. Facts & Figures exist that clearly illustrate the safety problems that exist across our nation. Good Practices provides examples of how our communities can be safer. In this section you can learn how good practices can be actually implemented. This may be of interest to planners, engineers, landscape architects, and other designers to review for an overview of safe pedestrian planning and design guidelines.

  • Cycle Audit and Review - Department of Environment, Transportation and Regions (DETR) - [PDF, 705KB] - The main aim of these guidelines is to ensure that a good cycling infrastructure is achieved wherever possible. In general terms this is done by considering the five principles of good design: Coherence; Directness; Attractiveness; Safety, and Comfort
  • Pedaling Health: Health Benefits of a Modal Transportation Shift - DOT Australia - [PDF, 416KB] - The purpose of this report is to present medical research on the benefits accruing from incorporating exercise into daily living patterns and particularly why cycling for transport has been identified as a sustainable and health-promoting mode of transport to be encouraged over car use wherever possible.
  • How to enhance Walking and Cycling instead of shorter car trips and to make these modes safer - Department of Traffic Planning and Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden - [PDF, 396KB] - The purpose of this document is to examine conditions and measures which may enhance walking and cycling instead of making shorter car trips.

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