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Examining Crashes and Injuries

Examining Crashes

  • Bicycle Crash Data - Insurance Institute for Highway Safety - [HTML, PDF, 59KB]
  • Crash-Type Manual for Bicyclists - FHWA - [PDF, 3.74 MB] - The information provided in the following guide is the result of a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) research study that applied the basic National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) bicycle and pedestrian typologies to a sample of bicycle- and pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes from six States with the purpose of refining and updating the crash type distributions.
  • Common Bicycle Crashtypes & How to Avoid Them - NHTSA - [PDF, 60KB]

Examining Injuries

  • Police-Reporting of Pedestrians and Bicyclists Treated in Hospital Emergency Rooms - University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center - [PDF, 37KB] - The purpose of the paper is twofold: (1) to provide additional information on the likely level of underreporting of pedestrian- and bicycle-motor vehicle collisions on state crash files, and (2) to examine whether cases that are reported differ in any systematic ways from those that are not reported, i.e., whether important biases exit in the police-reported databases.
  • Injuries to Pedestrians and Bicyclists: An Analysis Based on Hospital Emergency Department Data - FHWA - [PDF, 688KB] - The purpose of the current study was to broaden understanding about the safety of pedestrians and bicycling.

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