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SPIRES-CEDRBFS: FIND RECORD 469 CEDR Bibliographic Number: 469

BFSID: 469


Frome, E.L., Cragle, D.L., Watkins, J., Wing, S., Shy, S., Tankersley, W., West, C.

Main Journal Entry:

Article Title: A Mortality Study of Employees of the Nuclear Industry in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Journal Date: 1997
Journal Name: Radiation Research
Journal Volume: 148:64-80.

Additional Parts of this Document:

Article Title: Erratum
Journal Date: 1997
Journal Name: Radiation Research
Journal Volume: 148:297-298

Main Report Entry:

Report Title: A Mortality Study of Employees of the Nuclear Industry in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Final Report
Report Date: July, 1997
Report Institution: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Report Number: ORNL-6785, pp 1-67
Under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464

Relevant Data File Sets: ormula05

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Date Added: 11/08/1999