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Joint Program Office for Biological Defense
   1) What mechanism exists to ensure supply of the anthrax vaccine for a complete series of shots for all personnel?
   2) Is biological agent detection a part of the JPEO-CBD mission?
   3) Is the AVAPP part of the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program (JVAP)?
   4) What is the mission of the Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed Production Program, Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical-Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD)?

Joint Program Office for Biological Defense
1) What mechanism exists to ensure supply of the anthrax vaccine for a complete series of shots for all personnel?

The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD) - is responsible to the Secretary of Defense for maintaining an adequate stockpile of biological warfare defensive vaccines and defined production capabilities, as determined by the Joint Staff and Services’ demands. The JPEO-CBD has developed an anthrax vaccine production model to use as a tool to balance the total annual requirement for production with vaccination and inventory requirements to support total force vaccination.

Emergent BioSolutions recently received full FDA approval for the newly renovated manufacturing suite and its contract filler, Hollister-Stier LLC this will ensure production of the anthrax vaccine. To be used by DoD, each vial of anthrax vaccine must meet all FDA requirements. Additionally, a stockpile exists that could be used in an emergency situation.

2) Is biological agent detection a part of the JPEO-CBD mission?
Yes. Please see the JPEO-CBD website for more information (
3) Is the AVAPP part of the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program (JVAP)?
Yes, the AVAPP is part of the JVAP, a component of the Chemical and Biological Medical Systems management office, Frederick, Maryland. The JVAP manages the production of licensed vaccines and the advanced development, testing and licensing of vaccines and therapeutic blood products against other biological warfare agents. There are several bio-defense products in development by the JVAP. For more information on the JVAP go to
4) What is the mission of the Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed Production Program, Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical-Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD)?
The mission of the Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed Production Program (AVAPP) is to provide an assured supply of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA), BioThrax™, to meet the requirements of the Department of Defense's Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP). The AVAPP provides technical, managerial, financial, scientific, regulatory, program management and quality oversight of the production of AVA and serves as a liaison between the AVIP and the manufacturer, Emergent BioSolutions. This mission is accomplished by both an on-site presence at the manufacturing site and a program management office.

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