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MarineFisheries Review


Inside front cover

The Fisheries for Mangrove Cockles, Anadara spp., from Mexico to Peru, With Descriptions of Their Habitats and Biology, the Fishermen's Lives, and the Effects of Shrimp Farming, by Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr.

Government-Industry Cooperative Fisheries Research in the North Pacific under the MSFCMA,  by William A. Karp, Craig S. Rose, John R. Gauvin, Sarah K. Gaichas, Martin W. Dorn, and Gary D. Stauffer

The Demand for Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, from the Gulf of Mexico in the Presence of Vibrio vulnificus,  by Walter R. Keithly, Jr. and Hamady Diop

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