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MarineFisheries Review

Inside front cover

Menhaden: The Resource, the Industry, and a Management History

by Douglas S. Vaughan

Population Biology and Life History of the North American Menhadens, Brevoortia spp.
by Dean W. Ahrenholz

Overview of Mark-recovery Studies on Adult and Juvenile Atlantic Menhaden,
Brevoortia tyrannus, and Gulf Menhaden, B. patronus

by Dean W. Ahrenholz, Donnie L. Dudley, and Eldon J. Levi

The Atlantic and Gulf Menhaden Purse Seine Fisheries:
Origins, Harvesting Technologies, Biostatistical Monitoring,
Recent Trends in Fisheries Statistics, and Forecasting

by Joseph W. Smith

New Products and Markets for Menhaden, Brevoortia spp.
by Malcolm B. Hale, Paul E. Bauersfeld, Sylvia B. Galloway, and Jeanne D. Joseph

Assessment and Management of Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus,
and Gulf Menhaden, B. patronus, Stocks

by D. S. Vaughan and J. V. Merriner

Biological Analysis of Two Management Options for
the Atlantic Menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, Fishery

by Douglas S. Vaughan and Joseph W. Smith

Annual Index and List of Papers

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