Exif Reader

Author: Gali Baler (gliblr at yahoo.com)
History: 2004/03/15: First version
2004/12/06: Reads EXIF information without displaying image
Requires: ImageJ 1.31 or later
Source:Contained in Exif_Reader.jar, which can be opened using a ZIP utility
Installation: Download Exif_Reader.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will be a new File/Import/Exif Data...command.
Description: Extracts and displays the Exif information stored in jpeg images. Use the File/Import/Exif Data... command to read/open jpeg Exif data.
See Also: Drew Noakes wrote the Exif Metadata Library v2.2.2 that was used in this plugin. This library is located at www.drewnoakes.com/code/exif/. There is also an example macro that extracts the date and time from a JPEG image and a a macro that extracts the EXIF data from all the JPEG images in a folder.

Exif Metadata.gif

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