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Earth Science Vision 2030

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Earth Science Vision 2030

Vision Cover

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The NASA Earth Sciences Vision Working Group was asked to take a long-term view of NASA Earth Sciences, providing a future vision for NASA Earth Sciences and suggesting major measurement goals that would help achieve this vision. This report is the Earth Science Vision Team’s response to this charge.

Earth Science Vision 2030 establishes a paradigm in which the dynamic Earth system is fully observed using an international suite of Earth observation systems, and then represented in a family of interacting models that include all major Earth system components: atmosphere, oceans, biosphere and solid Earth. The Earth Science Vision Working Group examined each of these areas of Earth science, identifying the new measurement capabilities needed to address critical needs for improved scientific understanding and predictive capability. The report details the results of these studies.

When implemented in its complete form, the Earth Information System will provide a quantitative predictive capability of system interactions that will continually be evaluated against observations. Key attributes of the Earth Information System are that it:

  • observes the whole Earth system, such that the changes in any component system can be traced to measure the total impact;

  • models the whole Earth system and all its components, such that effects of changes in any component can be predicted;

  • dynamically evolves to define the system behavior that best describes ongoing observations; and

  • yields predictions with quantitative uncertainties that are useful in the public decision-making process.

The Earth Science Vision Working Group suggests this Earth observation and modeling system as the grand, long-term challenge for the NASA Earth Science Enterprise. This long-term NASA goal also supports larger Earth science community goals, as described in the report, Satellite Observations of the Earth’s Environment; Accelerating the Transition of Research to Operations (NRC, 2003). Achieving this challenge will require new approaches to observations, data analysis and modeling, in which data sets and models of all the system components are coupled in a comprehensive Earth Information system observation and modeling capability will provide important benefits to society. It will enable a robust Earth system predictive capability that represents the community consensus of current knowledge. This addresses the critical need for science support of public activities and policy decisions.

The NASA Earth Science Enterprise Strategic Plan and Research Strategy are available at:

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