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Leading by Example - A Report to the President



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The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) will begin accepting applications for the 2008 White House Closing the Circle (CTC) Awards on 2 January, 2008. This program recognizes outstanding achievements of Federal employees and their facilities for efforts which resulted in significant contributions to, or have made a significant impact on, promoting environmental stewardship. The awards focus on waste prevention, recycling, green purchasing activities, environmental management, green/sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, alterative fuel use and reduced fuel usage under Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.”

Now in our 14th year, we continue to seek exemplary programs and activities that promote continuous improvement and set the example for other Federal facilities to follow. The Award Categories for 2008 are as follows:

  • Waste/Pollution Prevention
  • Recycling
  • Green Purchasing
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Sustainable Design/Green Buildings
  • Electronics Stewardship
  • Alternative Fuel and Fuel Conservation in Transportation

The program will consider nominations for programs or activities conducted in FY 2007, from either an individual Federal employee or teams/groups of Federal employees (including teams of Federal and contract employees). Partnerships between Federal facilities or Federal employees and non-Federal entities, such as surrounding local communities or non-profit organizations, are encouraged and will be considered for award. Each category will recognize Department of Defense and Civilian agency nominations with separate awards.

Nominations will be accepted beginning on 2 January 2008, until 31 January, 2008, at www.ofee.gov

For more information, please go to The White House Closing the Circle Awards Instructions Page, or contact Juan D. Lopez at lopez.juan@ofee.gov, phone: 202-343-9481.

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