The SuperNova Acceleration Probe
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Public Area

Welcome to the SNAP public area! This has information and activities for use by anyone interested in what SNAP will do.

  • Online activities: interactive web based activities for use at home by the whole family
  • Printed Materials: posters, brochures and games about SNAP for everyone
  • Science: Information about the science astronomers hope to get from SNAP
  • SNAP MySpace page: SNAP has a MySpace page and Blog! Check it out and see how many friends SNAP has (and take a peek at SNAP's siblings GLAST, Swift, and XMM-Newton).


NASA Space Sciences Directorate
NASA Science Mission Directorate Universe Division
NASA's Beyond Einstein program

DOE Office of Science
DOE Office of High Energy Physics

SNAP PIs: Saul Perlmutter and Michael Levi
Responsible SSU Personnel: Lynn Cominsky
Web Curators: Masaaki Yamato
Privacy, Security, Notices