ROI Brush Tool

Author: Johannes Schindelin (Johannes.Schindelin at GMX.DE)
Tom Larkworthy (tom.larkworthy@GMAIL.COM)
History: 2006/06/27: First version
Requires: ImageJ 1.37c or later (1.37k or later to avoid flicker)
Installation: The ROI Brush Tool is built into ImageJ 1.37k or later. Right click on the Oval selection tool to activate it.
Description: Run this plugin, and a new tool will appear: the ROI Brush. It works like a brush, but instead of painting circular regions, it selects them (or, if you press alt while dragging the mouse, deselects them).

Add the following text to StartupMacros.txt in ImageJ/macros to have the ROI Brush installed automatically when ImageJ starts up:

  var roiBrushWidth=10;
  macro 'Roi Brush Tool - Cf800O11dd' {
      leftClick=16; alt=9;
      while (true) {
          getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
          if (flags&leftClick==0) exit();
          if (flags&alt==0) {
              call('ROI_Brush.label', x,y,z,flags, roiBrushWidth);
          } else {
              call('ROI_Brush.unlabel', x,y,z,flags, roiBrushWidth);
  macro 'Roi Brush Tool Options...' {
      roiBrushWidth = getNumber('Roi Brush Width (pixels):', roiBrushWidth);
With ImageJ ImageJ 1.37c and earlier, the first line ("var roiBrushWidth=10;") must be moved to the top of StartupMacros.txt.

For plugin writers, this plugin demonstrates how to add a tool to the tool bar and how to call Java code from a macro

This plugin was contributed to the ImageJ community by Tom Larkworthy.

See Also: Tool Demo plugin
ROI Adjust Tool

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