Nikon ND2 Reader

Author: Shigeo Kiriyama
Nikon Instruments Inc
History: 2007/11/27: First version
Limitations: Windows only
Source:The Java source for the plugin is in Nd_Viewer.jar. Source for the native DLL is not provided.
Installation: Download, extract the files, and run the "ND To Image6D" installer
Description: This plugin, which is based on Joachim Walter's Image5D plugin, opens Nikon ND2 files, views them in six dimensions and exports the data to TIFFs or creates an AVI of any dimension. A PDF document is included with the plugin.
See Also: LOCI Bio-Formats plugin, which opens some first version ND2 files, and it runs on Mac, Linux and Windows. Note that the current version of the Bio-Formats plugin is not endorsed by Nikon and may not correctly display some metadata.

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