Handle Extra File Types

Author: Gregory Jefferis (jefferis at stanford.edu)
Source: HandleExtraFileTypes.java
Installation: Download HandleExtraFileTypes.class to the plugins folder, or a subfolder of the plugins folder.
Description: This plugin handles file types that are not implemented directly in ImageJ. ImageJ calls this plugin when it does not recognize the type of a file being opened and the it calls the appropriate reader plugin to open the image. It can be easily modified so that specialised file types can be opened through File/Open, by drag and drop onto the ImageJ main window, by drag and drop on the ImageJ icon, or by double clicking on the file icon.

File formats currently supported: Biorad PIC, Gatan DM3, Analyze, IPLab, SPE, LSM, ICS, Bruker, AVI, QuickTime, ZVI, Packard InstantImager, UNC, Leica multi-TIFF series, Amira Mesh and Deltavision. Many other formats are supported by the LOCI Bio-formats library. A list of file formats known to ImageJ is in the FAQs section of the ImageJ Documentation Wiki.

Note that the File/Import/Image Sequence command and IJ.openImage() method will not work as expected unless the reader plugin extends the ImagePlus class.

History: 2003/07/02: First version
2003/12/03: Added support for SPE image files
2003/12/09: Added support for Zeiss LSM image files
2004/04/29: Fixed FileInfo (e.g., path) initialization bug
2004/07/29: Added support for Bruker image files
2005/01/22: Added support for AVI and QuickTime files
2005/02/15: Works with files opened from command line
2005/03/03: Works with Zeiss ZVI files
2005/08/29: Works with Packard InstantImager files
2005/09/30: Works with UNC files
2006/03/02: Works with .LEI files (Leica SP2 multi-TIFF series)
2006/04/12: No longer assumes Thumbs.db files are in ZVI format
2006/04/30: Works with Amira Mesh files
2006/10/06: Supports Deltavision files (.dv and .r3d)
2006/10/06: Supports the LOCI Bio-formats library
2006/10/13: Supports the LSM Toolbox
2007/02/13: Bio-formats plugin not called by File/Import/Image Sequence
2008/01/23: Supports the .mrc (Leginon) and .dat (EMMENU) files
2008/01/23: Supports URLs (File>Import>URL)
2008/01/23: Supports .mrc (Leginon) and .dat (EMMENU) files
2008/02/05: Supports NIFTI (.nii) files
2008/02/05: Opens Analyze format files (.img/.hdr) using the Nifty_Reader
2008/03/28: Bio-formats plugin not called if file does not exist
2008/04/14: Always uses LSM_Reader to open LSM files if it is available
2008/06/30: Fixed invalid error message bug opening .lei files

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