Color Transformer

Author: Maria E. Barilla (perezm at
Digital Systems & Vision Processing Group
Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering School
The University of Birmingham, UK
History: 2007/11/08: First version
Installation: Download Color_Transformer.class to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will be new "Color Transformer" command in the Plugins menu or submenu.
Description: This plugin converts an RGB color image into a color space represented by a stack. The XYZ, Yxy, YUV, YIQ, Luv, Lab, AC1C2, I1I2I3, Yuv, YQ1Q2, HSI, HSV, HSL, LCHLuv, LSHLuv and LSHLab color spaces are supported.

This plugin does not work on stacks, but the Color Transform Stack macro runs it on all the images in an RGB stack and creates a second stack containing the output images.

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